iPad app

nabeelo says:
Obligatory post about having an iPad version now that I have an iPad. Unfortunate to have to stare at the tiny little list of RTM tasks on the massive screen.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Remember The Milk for iPad is now available on the App Store!
Please see our blog post.
We've created a new iPad app forum -- I'm closing this topic, but we'd love to hear from you over there. :)
Please see our blog post.
We've created a new iPad app forum -- I'm closing this topic, but we'd love to hear from you over there. :)


I don't have an iPad, but I heard that there is a 2x button on all iPhone/iPodTouch apps so that they are not too small on the iPad.
I don't have an iPad, but I heard that there is a 2x button on all iPhone/iPodTouch apps so that they are not too small on the iPad.

oaaltone says:
Until RTM launches an upscaled version, you could always use the iPhone OS web version:

bruss147 says:
With the 2x button, all the text is really jagged and ugly. So you have to choose between tiny in the middle of the screen or jagged and using most the screen. The current WiFi only model means on the go or at work, I can't use the web version.

bruss147 says:
Plus you have to use the small iPhone keyboard (which is hard to type on on the iPad's large screen) instead of the full iPad keyboard.

ghurd says:
Just adding that an iPad native app would be nice. +1

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for everyone's feedback on this -- I just wanted to re-post part of our blog post about version 1.3.0 of our iPhone app:
"Hey, what about the iPad?
While there's nothing specific in this release for the iPad, "Develop a new iPad app" was the #3 mobile request in our recent mobile survey. You can be sure that Bob T. Monkey is taking those survey results seriously. ;)"
Hope this helps... :)
"Hey, what about the iPad?
While there's nothing specific in this release for the iPad, "Develop a new iPad app" was the #3 mobile request in our recent mobile survey. You can be sure that Bob T. Monkey is taking those survey results seriously. ;)"
Hope this helps... :)

cherice says:
+1 for an iPad version :)

wojo says:
Would love this! 2x mode doesn't do the screen justice.

bruss147 says:
Thanks for the post Emily. You may want to consider that the survey came out before people played with an iPad. I don't actually remember my response to that part of the survey, but I do know before I played with an iPad, I had expected iPhone apps to work well on it and they don't. I've had to fall back on the rtm website when I can get wifi since the app just isn't that good on the iPad.

cherice says:
I have a tip if anyone is interested. Go into Settings on your iPad. Then select General and finally Accessibility. Set "Zoom" to On. Now, launch RTM. With it open, use 3 fingers and double-tap the screen. This gives you a larger display than 1x but not distorted like 2x. To go back to regular display, just double-tap with three fingers again. I am running several of my older apps this way.

mojobaer says:
Hey Cherice
That works great, thanks! Definitely helps make rtm usable until an iPad app comes out...
That works great, thanks! Definitely helps make rtm usable until an iPad app comes out...

robjkelley says:
+1 for an iPad-optimized version as soon as you can. The iPad can be the ultimate walk-around clipboard...

scheidel says:
also +1 for an ipad app !!!!

icekahlua says:
+1+1+1 for the iPad Version.
Thanks in advance...
Thanks in advance...

sess says:
+1 for iPad version
This is what the iPhone version looks like with the x2 expansion on the iPad image
It makes kittens cry :(
This is what the iPhone version looks like with the x2 expansion on the iPad image
It makes kittens cry :(

kutyshalev says:
+1 for iPad (posting from an iPad)

alberg says:
+10 for an iPad version

storytellers says:
+1 from japan. I even pay more if rtm releases this.

javabean161 says:
+1 more for iPad support. Just gotta have it and the iPhone version on the iPad just doesn't cut it (sorry to others who have been trying). You really get spoiled quickly by applications that take advantage of the screen real estate on the iPad to develop much better iPad applications even though there are corresponding iPhone apps.

bits says:
+1, managing tasks on the iPad's big screen taking better advantage of the space and keyboard would be fantastic.

davidhop says:
+1, please please make an iPad version. It will be nice to have more real estate to work with than the small iPhone screen. Looking forward to great things in the next rev.

bgross says:
I'm sure you're working on an iPad app by now... but in case it'll get done faster, +1 from me too.
I'm longingly checking the App Store each day
I'm longingly checking the App Store each day

jacou says:
+1 for iPad version.

thebouv says:
Yep, +1 from me as well on this. The iPhone version is just too ugly to use when zoomed and the web version just isn't as nice.

(closed account) says:

spamboy says:
Piggybacking. +1

kimptoc says:
+1 from me too - Go Monkey Go :)

rynbxtr says:
+1 for an iPad version here as well.
Why not...everybody's doing it...
Why not...everybody's doing it...

dov.engelberg says:
+1+1 for the ipad version again.

many.garcia says:
+ 1 for an Ipad version of the application... i hope that the ipad version would include new features, like a more caledarish look and feel....

nattachai says:

pikamookie says:
+1 please!

carolduh says:

adamdylla says:
+1 for iPad version

wdremington says:
Me2 for an iPad version... But take the time to leverage the format... maybe in version 1.1. :)
Evernote did a very nice job for their iPad app made it pure grooviness.
I no longer carry paper and pen to meetings (WritePad plus Pogo) and I am booting my laptop less and less.
Evernote did a very nice job for their iPad app made it pure grooviness.
I no longer carry paper and pen to meetings (WritePad plus Pogo) and I am booting my laptop less and less.

mlmathews says:
I'd love to see an iPad enhanced app. (posted from my iPad)

nicolas_thomsen says:
+10000 for iPad

jestelle says:
Looks to me there is more than enough +1s that this may happen soon, but I'll add myself to the list.
The iPhone app is ok on the iPad, but I agree, 2x mode just looks too yucky so I usually just keep it in 1x. But having something that fills the screen, looks good, and even better, takes advantage of greater screen realestate, would be terrific!
Nice work guys.
The iPhone app is ok on the iPad, but I agree, 2x mode just looks too yucky so I usually just keep it in 1x. But having something that fills the screen, looks good, and even better, takes advantage of greater screen realestate, would be terrific!
Nice work guys.

jason.pincin says:
+1 for iPad version.

cressman says:
iPad version: Yes, please!

robwburke says:

(closed account) says:
Please add an ipad version. This would really add to the RTM user experience.

l40 says:
+1000 for iPad version. No 1 app for iPad!

mikeboers says:
+1 for iPad version... I would never be able to put this thing down.

tbb4 says:
+1 for iPad version!

cdrynan says:
I won't buy an iPad until there's an iPad specific app!

allanphoto says:
me 2 me 2!!!

hkarmark says:
+1 for ipad, and like most people. I'd pay for the ipad app

dgiessamer says:
+1 :-)

davidtesler says:
PLEASE!!!! +1

masterplucas says:
+1 iPad versión

maishige says:
+1 for iPad version !!

christine.rhee says:
An iPad version would be great.
In the meanwhile, I've been using RTM on Safari... I just added an RTM shortcut to the Home Screen (in Safari, click the + button on the browser and select "add to Home Screen." It adds a button to your iPad menu, as though it were an app.)
(posted from my iPad, of course)
In the meanwhile, I've been using RTM on Safari... I just added an RTM shortcut to the Home Screen (in Safari, click the + button on the browser and select "add to Home Screen." It adds a button to your iPad menu, as though it were an app.)
(posted from my iPad, of course)

(closed account) says:
Another voice for the iPad version!

nmorande says:
+1 and +1

larry.abel says:
+1 for the ipad

felixc says:

krissie says:

(closed account) says:
+1! (To add to bruss147's comment) I bet that if you re-survey people in the next few months, you'll find that more and more people will want an iPad app prioritized.

greg.wilder says:
PLEASE release an iPad version quickly. RTM is my #1 app for personal and work productivity. I use the web and iPhone versions. We need an iPad version. HURRY HURRY HURRY.

monochapin says:
+1 ...I love my iPad

smithiej says:
Another vote for an iPad app please. Using the iPhone app is horrible and so is using the site now that it's clear just how great an iPad app could be.

cpohle says:
Also Voting for the iPad App, Please take the time to design a nice, stylish and fast working app that makes fun planning the tasks on the iPad.

taq1 says:
Love iPad ,, Love RTM ,,, please solve it soon ,,
Love iPad ,, Love RTM ,,, please solve it soon ,,

chuckphillips says:
+1 for iPad version

andreas.fritz says:

kjsesq says:
Feels like overkill, but if you are going on numbers, add me to the list!

nikhilb says:

cape says:
I would really like an ipad version! Let me know if you want a beta tester! :)

richtack says:
Jumping on the bandwagon to show the support. Please bring an iPad version to market! Thanks!

bellevuegeek says:

pennyg says:
+1 for iPad

nicodemus3d says:
+1 for ipad version pls

milkiglo says:
Hey looks like there is $$$ in Productivity iPad Apps!!! RTM will dominate if y'all can get another awesome app out there!!

mobilemind says:
+1 for iPad support

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version

cgsell says:
Yep, RTM for iPad will rock!

n5csu says:
+1 for a native iPad RTM! It would make a Great device even better!

jearnest says:
Please come out with an iPad version.

dominicwa says:
+1 for iPad version

fire00 says:
+2 for iPad version

kresten says:
+1 for Ipad version.

(closed account) says:
+1 for Ipad version.

(closed account) says:
+1 for Ipad!

osaeed says:
+1 for an iPad version.

guglhupf says:
+1 also need an iPad - didn't care about the pro cost for iPhone - for iPad I will jump in - others will be same

wwc says:
How much longer to wait?? 6 weeks since the last RTM post seems a long time :) +infinity

npint says:
+1, we need an ipad version!!

formless says:
+1 IPAD!

niw says:
+1,000,000 iPad!

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version

turtlebud says:
+1 for iPad version
(btw, love the enhancements on the iphone version - shortcut to tags, etc)
(btw, love the enhancements on the iphone version - shortcut to tags, etc)

thechilibuddy says:
I need an ipad version of this on my new digital clipboard!

(closed account) says:
My pro account expired today, and I have decided to wait to renew until there is an Ipad version available. The website version works horribly on the iPad, and using the iPhone client is just frustrating. As a result, I find I am just not utilizing Remember the Milk as much. I hope there is an IPad client soon!

scottgould says:
I agree: +1 for ipad

pdc73 says:
The iPad came out in the UK yesterday, and so a shout from across the pond for an iPad version! I love RTM, i use it to run my life!

struyk says:
After scouring the App store yesterday and finding out that NON of the iPad specific apps will sync - please make one!
I also think you should do the survey again. I have an android device and use RTM on that but would still love a specific iPad app.
I also think you should do the survey again. I have an android device and use RTM on that but would still love a specific iPad app.

philipfuesser says:
+1 iPad

ryborg says:
Those not wanting to wait, or have to use RTM in 2x zoon can install an app called ForceFull. You won't be able to tell that it is not an iPad app, other than for the lack of iPad widgets that I think we can expect in an upcoming version.

cytotoxic says:
+1 for RTM in HD for IPAD!

rapiere says:
+1 iPad or improve web site to be more productive with touch based devices

fabioviglione says:
+182 for a native iPad version (even a paid one), for RTM is my main productivity tool at my own law firm. Really important one.
Strech the app out to fit the screen estate as a universal app would be cool, but I crave for a native one, born with the iPad in mind (see the great jobs guys at Culturedcode have done with Things).
Strech the app out to fit the screen estate as a universal app would be cool, but I crave for a native one, born with the iPad in mind (see the great jobs guys at Culturedcode have done with Things).

matroskina says:
Also patiently waiting for the iPad version!

susumu.ishihara says:
+1 iPad.

xenovoyance says:
+1 iPad!

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Regarding the survey, be sure to note Emily's response above; there's a relevant note in our blog post about the recent iPhone app's update. ;)
Regarding the survey, be sure to note Emily's response above; there's a relevant note in our blog post about the recent iPhone app's update. ;)

yoruneko says:
Hotdamn I just got the craziest idea how about an iPad version of Rtm. wouldn't that be great? Seriously you guys please !1 ^asap #iPad

robert.einsle says:
+1 for native iPad version

kuped says:
I might as well add my $0.02 here too - iPad version please :-)

ken.takeshige says:
+1 iPad !1 ^asap

(closed account) says:
+1 iPad

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad, lack of any decent sync has made me turn from desktop+iPhone wifi sync apps. RTM looks like the way forward for me, a nice iPad app imho would put you guys at no.1

(closed account) says:
Love RTM....love my iPad.... can't wait until the native iPad app is released.... thx!

sbarash says:
+1 iPad

garyjoy says:
N.B. If you ran the survey again now I'm sure the iPad would come out on top...
N.B. If you ran the survey again now I'm sure the iPad would come out on top...

dave.dowling says:
+1 iPad

rendlm5 says:
yes, run the survey again. Sure it's #1 now request now!
Please release a native app soon!
yes, run the survey again. Sure it's #1 now request now!
Please release a native app soon!

sumino says:
+1 iPad

oyinko says:
+1 for RTM in HD for IPAD!

tentuck says:
+1 for iPad version

disenberg says:
+1 for iPad version

bret.bowser says:
+1 just to keep this going.

dbrown says:
+1 !

scottgould says:
Really woukd Ike this! :-)
Really woukd Ike this! :-)

jaylellman says:
Please release the iPad app

(closed account) says:
+1 for the iPad app. As if this will make you work faster at releasing it.

dcolthorp says:

tpayne says:
Would LOVE an update on the iPad app that I hope you are busy working on.
Love RTM!
Love RTM!

stumcandrew says:
+1 for iPad from UK

jasonfounts says:
ipad ipad ipad. +1 :)

mpatten says:
+1 here too.

jay.emm says:
+1. No excuse not to do this :)

marufhon.tashhodjayev says:
Ipad version is highly needed, please.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I know this thread is long, but I suppose it wouldn't be remiss to point out the few responses from Emily and me above? ;)

daevansjr says:
+1 for ipad

pmultani says:
+1 for iPad.

halloleo says:
i second the request: an ipad app would be fantastic!

(closed account) says:
Hi Bob,
Can you give us a hint .... when will you be ready to submit the app for iPad?
Can you give us a hint .... when will you be ready to submit the app for iPad?

miyaby says:
+1 from Japan too.
Even it's ipad only version, I'll buy.
Even it's ipad only version, I'll buy.

brent.hohlweg says:
+1 for iPad version for us @ http://www.meninkilts.com !

dlangh says:
+1 for ipad app

subpar says:
+1 for iPad version ;)

hkfotografie says:
iPad App please! :)

brotbert says:
+1 for iPad app

ansgar.fitz says:
+1 for iPad version

(closed account) says:

mbaldessari says:

adam.cuzzort says:

(closed account) says:
Why is it taking soooooo long?!

renpei says:
+1 for iPad app

ixef says:
Make an iPad version!

nmorande says:
+1 pls

emiliehester says:

silvermilk says:
+2 for iPad version!

jensberg says:
need iPad version! +1

pjwilkinson says:
+15 for iPad version for pro users!

satoshi.iwasaki says:
+1 please!

tsaleh says:
+1 Absolutely.

lanassa says:
+1 !!!

chrisvillar says:
+1. Thanks!

automatic214 says:
+10 iPad version. and would like to sync evernote, I 'd like to pay more to buy RTM for iPad!

chrisperfer says:

netbooee says:
+1 Ipad Version please.. i will even beta test for you..

regelmol says:

arbitrary says:
Please RTM for iPad +1

kevin_miller says:

iberinternet says:

frieberg says:
+1 for IPAD version.

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version.

melvinwalker says:

(closed account) says:
+1 for the iPad version. That makes 180+ requests.

huber.dieter says:
+1 for the iPad version!

matthiasfaller says:

lupin3d says:
+1 for the iPad version! I love RTM!!!

kevinwlee says:
+1 for an iPad app!! No pressure Bob, we're all counting on you :)

lubelski says:
I would most likely enjoy this option also.

ashujoshi says:
+10 - does that take the count to 190++?
It is a struggle to try and use the RTM iPhone app on iPad ... please, please release the iPad app like yesterday ....
It is a struggle to try and use the RTM iPhone app on iPad ... please, please release the iPad app like yesterday ....

kalma says:
+1 for iPad version

jwanggaard says:
I would LOVE the iPad app!!!! Please please please! I check regularly to see if it could be available in the app store!

wojo says:

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
Here's a workaround for the iPad:
If you jailbreak the ipad using Spirit (http://spiritjb.com/) you can install afterwards an application from the Cydia installer called "Fullforce". (see review here: http://www.tipb.com/2010/05/21/fullforce-ipad-jailbreak-app-review/)
This allows to run iphone apps on the ipad in a full size / better resolution than you would normally get (especially when you enlarge an iphone app with the 2x button).
Although not taking full advantage of the iPad capabilities in terms of UI, rememberthemilk with fullforce runs quite ok.
If you jailbreak the ipad using Spirit (http://spiritjb.com/) you can install afterwards an application from the Cydia installer called "Fullforce". (see review here: http://www.tipb.com/2010/05/21/fullforce-ipad-jailbreak-app-review/)
This allows to run iphone apps on the ipad in a full size / better resolution than you would normally get (especially when you enlarge an iphone app with the 2x button).
Although not taking full advantage of the iPad capabilities in terms of UI, rememberthemilk with fullforce runs quite ok.

mjung says:
+1 for iPad version please!

chrisbx says:
+1 for iPad version ! thank you VERY MUCH...

dominic.spachmann says:
+1 please

tjnuckolls says:
+1 for iPad version! (Also, please be cool and make it an iPhone/iPad + app so we only need to keep track of one app for both devices.)
Thanks for your rapid development!
Thanks for your rapid development!

benhill says:
+1 please

sausina says:
+1 for iPad version, please!!

pikifou.wizarbox says:
+1 please

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version.

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version please!

john.dowd says:
+1 for iPad!

heckrodt says:
+One for iPad version! Thx!

bebob says:
Another +1. Yes, we've seen the responses about the survey results, but perhaps an update would quell the anxious masses. :)
Also, +1 on the Evernote sync suggestion as well!
Also, +1 on the Evernote sync suggestion as well!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Bob is still very much hard at work on the iPad app (we've given him an unlimited supply of bananas, so we could have one very overweight monkey by the time this thing is finished!).
We don't have an ETA yet, but we've got Bob going as fast as humanly (simianly?) possible. I know that everyone here would like to see the app released, well, like yesterday (as ashujoshi says)... trust me, I would too. :)
We're excited to share the app just as soon as we can -- thanks for everyone's patience on this one! :)
We don't have an ETA yet, but we've got Bob going as fast as humanly (simianly?) possible. I know that everyone here would like to see the app released, well, like yesterday (as ashujoshi says)... trust me, I would too. :)
We're excited to share the app just as soon as we can -- thanks for everyone's patience on this one! :)

bret.bowser says:
It is very nice to see that you, uh....Bob, are working on it. Thanks for the update.

mikeboers says:
Thanks for the update. My iPad will likely never leave my side once you release this...

joshualerner says:
Agree that this is great news. Go Bob Go!

webkenny says:
Thanks folks! Love the new Android update as well. Can't wait to get the iPad app. :)

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version.

hannes.stiebitzhofer says:
+1 for iPad version me too!

danny_chou says:
+1 for iPad version

renatodias says:
+1 for iPad version

hbj654 says:
+1 for iPad version as well

(closed account) says:
+100 for the iPad app!

flohr.yoel says:
+100 for an iPad version!

omahony56 says:
+1 for iPad version. Thanks for all your hard work.

gmonty says:
+1 for iPad (so happy to hear it is in development!)

baronjudd says:
I'm trialling the iPod touch app right now and have found it very useful. Would definitely consider subscribing if a good iPad app is produced.

readingdancer says:
+1 for the iPad app, definitely worth putting some effort into taking advantage of all the extra screen re-estate. A lot of iPhone -> iPad apps are rightly being slated due to them just slapping an HD logo onto their Apps and re-scaling it to the larger screen with no additional functionality or improved UI.
I am sure your Monkey will do a great job :)
I am sure your Monkey will do a great job :)

rlieving says:
Look forward to the iPad version of Remember the Milk. There really isn't a great option for managing tasks on the device until then.

hilli668 says:
+1 for a version on that new Apple thingy. What's it called again?

cellotasks says:
+1 for ipad app

js1092 says:
+1 iPad Version. It's the most valuable App I use but on the iPad the most ugly now sorry, functionality +1, iPad Layout 6

roel_wessels says:
+1 as well!

psychopot says:
+1 for iPad version

hansfahlin says:
+1 for iPad app

rcolnago says:
Ancioso pela versão para iPad!
Cant wait for iPad version!
Cant wait for iPad version!

victor.klijmeij says:
+1 for an ipad version.

llui says:
I've been tented to use other IPad apps but I adore RTM. It' s the best, but I need a "smarter" app for Ipad.
+ 1 for Ipad version
+ 1 for Ipad version

ted_pasarow says:
+1 for iPad

zed72 says:
+1 for an iPad version, so my task list doesn't look as long as it does on the iPhone.

mo.aye says:
+1 for iPad

karlospascual says:
+1 for iPad version

sven.blum says:
+1 for iPad (thx Bob!)

(closed account) says:
+1 for the iPad

(closed account) says:
just to jump on the band wagon +1 for universal ipad version

npiv says:
+1 I want my MTV!

andrew.lennox says:
Please develop an iPad version for RTM.

dominic.spachmann says:
how's Bob doing? :)

jongoldman says:
Jailbreak + FullForce + RTM App = Happiness until Bob is done gorging on bananas and finishes a true HD App.

dfrowbotham says:
+1 please

jay12701 says:
Can't wait for it to come out!

vamp07 says:
+1 Please

dustash says:
+1 for the iPad version!

ernests says:
+1 for the iPad app!

mmcb says:
Looking forward to the iPad app. It'll be my primary access to rtm.

andrew.kahn says:
+1 for iPad app!

_dd_ says:
iPad +1

kevin.fagan says:
Adding my name to the list for an iPad version. The regular site is pretty much unusable for me when visiting from an iPad.

oscardelben says:
+1 please

johnaponte says:
+1 please... RTM is such a good pice of software that do not deserve to look wrong on the ipad!

timuiuc says:
I hope this launches soon!

paulohferreira says:

alexandre.maldonado says:

(closed account) says:

ricardo.risamasu says:
+1 for iPad app!

zwise22 says:

ricardojpereira says:
+1 for iPad

chadhoward11 says:

alan_mitchell says:
+1 iPad version

duma says:

waldeis says:
+1 for the iPad Version

(closed account) says:
Please update?
Please update?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Our last update still applies: "We're still very much hard at work on our iPad app, and we're excited to share the app just as soon as we can.
"Thanks for your patience!"
Our last update still applies: "We're still very much hard at work on our iPad app, and we're excited to share the app just as soon as we can.
"Thanks for your patience!"

ashujoshi says:
so an update or a post from RTM would be really helpful. I am holding out for the iPad app ... please let us know if this is going to happen soon or not.

lclaycomb says:

mlmathews says:
One annoying thing about iOS apps is that developers seem have to be vague about release plans given that they don't know if or how long it will take for the app to make it through the App Store approval process. I've been waiting eagerly since April for iPad versions of a couple different apps from developers who have hinted that an iPad version is in the works but won't give any hints on when it might be available.

(closed account) says:
+1 for iPad version.

cdekok says:
Just going to jump on the bandwagon here too...
+1 for an iPad app... :-)
+1 for an iPad app... :-)

philphilphil says:
+1 ipad please..!

svilke says:

long_ck says:
+1 for me! This was to be my first download on my brand new iPad!!

miadler says:
+1 and keeping the faith

stefancmueller says:
+1 for RTM in HD for IPAD!

alleygaroo says:

ejsingson says:
I am gearing up for school, since I do a lot of commenting, being able to have my fiancé update my todo list while I am at home, will really keep me on track.
I really hope the Ipad app is wonderful.
I really hope the Ipad app is wonderful.

brwilson12 says:
+1 for iPad App

jans.roeber says:
Went PRO and want an iPad version a.s.a.p. ! I want to use the iPad professionally - but w/o iPad-version not possible. Please !!!

matt.pollock says:
+1 Please!

(closed account) says:
+1 for me too, keeping the ball rolling here...

poverello says:
An ipad version is absolutely required to be relevant and strike while the iron is hot. There aren't many good ones.
My subscription is coming up for renewal and and an ipad version is definitely needed to continue.
My subscription is coming up for renewal and and an ipad version is definitely needed to continue.

njustn says:
I am really looking forward to seeing the iPad app when it's ready, honestly the ipad has shocked me by being as useful as it is, but I miss a really usable RTM on here. Even a few tweaks to the desktop site might be a welcome change, or making swipes work in the iPhone web version when loaded from iPad.
Either way, RTM Team, you guys have been great about releasing things only when they're ready, even to the testing group. I have always been happy with your changes, and I eagerly await bob's newest masterpiece.
Either way, RTM Team, you guys have been great about releasing things only when they're ready, even to the testing group. I have always been happy with your changes, and I eagerly await bob's newest masterpiece.

fcastell says:
+1 for me! As Justin said above, I am also eagerly await bob's newest masterpiece.

(closed account) says:
I couldn't agree more. I want to use RTM on the ipad so badly, but just can't due to the size.
Please, please, please get on this fast...:-)
Please, please, please get on this fast...:-)

(closed account) says:
If you make a RTM app for the iPad, my last reason not to get one goes away...
I will be keeping a close eye on the blog!
I will be keeping a close eye on the blog!

rodrigoreboucas says:
+1 for iPad version

florent_bernard says:
+1 for iPad version

curtis.nash says:

jstrange says:
+6 for iPad support. That is how many iPads which need RTM

rainier.madruga says:
Would love an iPad native version as well. +1 plus converts!

desenso says:
We're up to 5 months since the last official response. Nice! Guess Emily is really busy. That or she spends most of her days at the beach with RTM's in-house app developer.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi desenso,
Sorry it's getting difficult to track replies from our team members in this topic (we need to fix that!). andrewski last responded here 15 days ago, and I mentioned the iPad app on our blog two weeks ago (see the bottom).
There's definitely no time at the beach for us... well, not until you guys have the iPad app in your hands :). We're seriously excited to share it with everyone here just as soon as Bob gives us the thumbs up. For those wondering, the app's looking good, but Bob's not... he's eaten so many bananas from that unlimited supply that we've had to buy him a whole new wardrobe...
Sorry it's getting difficult to track replies from our team members in this topic (we need to fix that!). andrewski last responded here 15 days ago, and I mentioned the iPad app on our blog two weeks ago (see the bottom).
There's definitely no time at the beach for us... well, not until you guys have the iPad app in your hands :). We're seriously excited to share it with everyone here just as soon as Bob gives us the thumbs up. For those wondering, the app's looking good, but Bob's not... he's eaten so many bananas from that unlimited supply that we've had to buy him a whole new wardrobe...

(closed account) says:
Hope Bob is better soon !!!! Tell him to remember to avoid the green ones.
Very very much looking forward to the iPad version of RTM.
Very very much looking forward to the iPad version of RTM.

vianaweb says:
+ 1000000 Ipad native !

philphilphil says:
I would betatest!

dave_elfariz says:
+1 for an iPad version, and probably a wee bit of interface redesign for the iPhone version - woops! :p
Anyway on a serious note, am really looking forward for the iPad version and I am confident that all of us eager beavers won't be disappointed with it! Thanks RTM (and Bob!)
Anyway on a serious note, am really looking forward for the iPad version and I am confident that all of us eager beavers won't be disappointed with it! Thanks RTM (and Bob!)

freenerd says:
+1 for an awesome iPad app :)

trentnash says:
Yes please

sblackman says:
+1 for iPad version. Bought the annual pro license in anticipation!

blesserx says:
If you plan to build a iPad version, you have to make it more than an Jailbroken-and-Fullforced-iPhone version.

aloshka says:
+1 for ipad, please?

dali1 says:
+1 for iPad. cant wait.

mrathee says:
+1 million
I have 2 different to do apps right now and I NEED to merge everything to it syncs across all devices.
I have 2 different to do apps right now and I NEED to merge everything to it syncs across all devices.

felixc says:
This is just piling on but the web interface on iPad isn't much fun.
This is just piling on but the web interface on iPad isn't much fun.

har.geraets says:
+1and me2

douten says:
+1 for iPad version. Not just an upscale version from iPhone, but built an ui with the large screen in mind. Thanks.

pctuk says:
+1 here

emmanuelsd says:
+1 from Mexico

krintouch says:
+1 for iPad version.

moslekcin says:
iPad pleeeeaasseeee!!!!!!

rick.codrington says:
Done yet???

zzrwood says:
Another +1 for an iPad version from Australia

francola says:
RTM is the best even without an iPad version, but I am very excited to see Bob's magic!

(closed account) says:
+1 for the iPad version!

sailingsuz says:
+a gazillion for an iPad appnplease ( and can it have the estimated time to complete for a list like the web version? I miss that on the iPhone)

cgielissen says:
+++++! I want to use it professionally as well, so please!

slagod says:
+2 for the iPad version (me and my wife)

calvero says:
+1 for the iPad version as a new iPad user, goodness would full screen native OS management really fuel my day. (iPad wi-fi only user)

aloshka says:
We support you Bob!!! Because we are in dire need of an ipad RTM app.

mnichols says:
+1 for the ipad app

eduardoc says:
+1 iPad version, pleeease!

jessterb says:

(closed account) says:
+1 iPad Version, please!!!!!!!!!!!

jslater316 says:
Please, please, please do an iPad app! It kills me every time I have to open the screen doubled iPhone version!

thauchecorne says:
+1 for iPad

pubultrastar says:
Like to go pro on RTM, but will wait until there is an iPad app. +1

(closed account) says:
Would the phrase, "Pretty please" help to get an iPad app for RTM? +1

daichitsukase says:
+1 for iPad please.

manitoe says:
+1 for iPad please, it's long overdue.

dvdkroft says:
+1 for iPad.
I tried using the website on the iPad but that doesn't really work. Please bring the iPad version fast.
I tried using the website on the iPad but that doesn't really work. Please bring the iPad version fast.

jarrodrose says:
This is really becoming important to me as I basically don't carry many other computing devices on the run with me anymore and the web interface is buggy in mobile safari.
This is really becoming important to me as I basically don't carry many other computing devices on the run with me anymore and the web interface is buggy in mobile safari.

chris.brake says:
+1 for iPad version please

carlos_rene says:
+1 for ipad version, pleeease

john.powers says:
+1 for iPad version. It would seriously help a lot. I've had my iPad since April, and it has been wanting its own version of RTM since Day One. Go Bob Go!
This year???
This year???

sixball says:
Great to know Bob's on the case. I know it's going to be overwhelmingly awesome and you guys aren't going to let it out until it is.

hkas says:
+1000 i cant work normaly with iphone version on ipad!

(closed account) says:

deuts says:
This is a long list, but it won't be complete unless I air my own longing for the RTM app for iPad. I'm willing to pay for the membership if there's app for iPad.

shuweitian says:

seenxu says:

stefhan says:
+1 for iPad version please !
Remember The Milk HD :)
Remember The Milk HD :)

smsag says:
+1 for iPad

hexren says:
I'd like an iPad version too... :)

lclaycomb says:

(closed account) says:
+1 for ipad
will buy pro account when ipad version is available
will buy pro account when ipad version is available

psihodelia says:
+1, pro as soon as iPad available

ellen.hansen says:
+1 for ipad, please

rmc003 says:
Add an Ipad app and it would seal the deal on my decision to become a pro subscriber. +1 for iPad app.
Posted with my iPad.
Posted with my iPad.

alexfeseto says:
+1, please! :-)

claire.klahn says:
I just want to Plead for the iPad app. My 15 year old has been diagnosed with High Functioning Asperger's which makes his organization for homework difficult along with navigating a calendar program etc. The iPad has become a favorite with many Asperger's kids/parents because of it's ease of use, large screen and apps that apply to their way of thinking. I would buy the pro subscription AND and iPad if I could use RTM on it for him. His Learning specialist could add things to his schedule/tasks and he could be more successful understanding his assignments!
+1 for iPad app.
+1 for iPad app.

chris.poor says:
I understand it takes a while to develop apps, but until the iPad apps is released are there any iPad apps that currently sync to RTM?

pixelgraphix says:
+1 for ipad, please

noeldear says:
+1 for iPad version. I want to come back to RTM!

georgewalkley says:
+1 for iPad.

jachico says:
+1 for Ipad. And I go to Pro. I promise you. :-)

chrisbx says:
Will RTM HD be available when iOS 4.2 will be launched ?...

dominic.spachmann says:
Hi Bob, any news for us? :-)

tjnuckolls says:
+1 for the iPad app. But please be cool and make it a combo app like Evernote.

josealmeida says:
Portugal also wants IPAD version!!! Yeah!!!

c.dennig says:
+1 for the iPad app :)

ken.weirman says:
+1 for iPad

(closed account) says:
I'm pretty sure the only reason the iPad version hasn't come out yet is because RTM has been waiting to hear from me. So, here goes:
+1 for iPad
Should be here any day now I guess.
+1 for iPad
Should be here any day now I guess.

fyasuhide says:
+1 for iPad

daccle says:
+1 for iPad.
Hey guys! This would be so great (and make a nice X-mas present, too...)
Hey guys! This would be so great (and make a nice X-mas present, too...)

sathish51419 says:
+1 for iPad

jryan727 says:
+1 with nice big buttons and checkboxes to easily zip through items around the house

npint says:
+1 for the iPad version, how can we help you make this happen slightly faster (first post was 7 months ago) ?

jimkimmel says:
I would love a native iPad app for RTM - in fact, I was waiting for it before I joined, but couldn't wait any longer.
In the meantime, I'm using the standard website to access my tasks, but I would really like to be able to save the site as an icon on my iPad's home screen (I can do that now, but I get a really bad icon with a snapshot of the page and it doesn't look good). If you could at least add an icon to the site that will save when I add the page to my home screen, that would go along way to help ease the waiting for a native app.
In the meantime, I'm using the standard website to access my tasks, but I would really like to be able to save the site as an icon on my iPad's home screen (I can do that now, but I get a really bad icon with a snapshot of the page and it doesn't look good). If you could at least add an icon to the site that will save when I add the page to my home screen, that would go along way to help ease the waiting for a native app.

darrell.ward42 says:
+1 for the iPad.
RTM is a great tool but i am moving to the iPad for most everything. It is a shame to waste the real estate.
RTM is a great tool but i am moving to the iPad for most everything. It is a shame to waste the real estate.

boxinxu says:

kenhwee says:
iPad native version please!!

flintr94 says:
It's been 6 months! come on guys!
+1 for native iPad app with scrolling columns like the mail app :d
+1 for native iPad app with scrolling columns like the mail app :d

shaanmahrotri says:

dbo says:

roger.schmidt says:

(closed account) says:
Seeing as you have iPhone code I am going to assume you are working on this. This is currently the only hole in your offering which is quite amazing.

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:

panchero says:
+1 iPad and RTM are best in class

(closed account) says:
Ipad as well :)

(closed account) says:
An iPad version is the single thing holding me back from having every application I need. Upscaling apps doesn't really work well, but I'm putting up with it for now. Please update RTM for the iPad!

(closed account) says:
A native iPad app would be great!

jphaberman says:
+1 for a native iPad RTM app

brian.donelan says:

luiscarneiro says:

mjpalad says:

grlaw says:
+1 -> neeeeed it!!!

axolx says:
for what it's worth, here's my +1 banana
keep the great work RTM folks, you're awesome!
keep the great work RTM folks, you're awesome!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to give an update on where we're at with the iPad app. As you might've guessed (by the fact the app isn't out yet!), it's taken longer than we'd originally planned to develop the app we want to release. :(
So when's the iPad app coming out?
Our plan now is early 2011, and we'll be providing more updates as we get closer to launch. We'll be testing the app in the Tester Program, however Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing (no idea how we're going to allocate those spots yet!).
Why's it taking so long?!
While we're able to re-use some of the code from our iPhone app, which speeds up development a little bit, we basically had to start from scratch with the UI to do the iPad justice.
We had a bit of a hiccup along the way: we got quite far with version 1 of the iPad app, but we weren't happy with it. :( We realised we'd gone in the wrong direction with the user experience, and that we needed to pretty much start over to create a waaay better app. (I'll take full blame for that one, sorry guys!)
So, we're now on version 2, which is what we'll be releasing (yay!). Bob's fuelled by his recent banana intake, and we'll be finishing development and launching as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience and support, everyone!
I just wanted to give an update on where we're at with the iPad app. As you might've guessed (by the fact the app isn't out yet!), it's taken longer than we'd originally planned to develop the app we want to release. :(
So when's the iPad app coming out?
Our plan now is early 2011, and we'll be providing more updates as we get closer to launch. We'll be testing the app in the Tester Program, however Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing (no idea how we're going to allocate those spots yet!).
Why's it taking so long?!
While we're able to re-use some of the code from our iPhone app, which speeds up development a little bit, we basically had to start from scratch with the UI to do the iPad justice.
We had a bit of a hiccup along the way: we got quite far with version 1 of the iPad app, but we weren't happy with it. :( We realised we'd gone in the wrong direction with the user experience, and that we needed to pretty much start over to create a waaay better app. (I'll take full blame for that one, sorry guys!)
So, we're now on version 2, which is what we'll be releasing (yay!). Bob's fuelled by his recent banana intake, and we'll be finishing development and launching as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience and support, everyone!

willw says:
Thanks for the update Emily. I eagerly await the iPad app.

(closed account) says:
Hi Emily,
I'm sure everybody else here is as grateful for this update as I am. I've switched to OmniFocus because my iPad has become my most important GTD device, but I'll be back with RTM the instant the iPad version is out.
Thanks and keep up the good work
I'm sure everybody else here is as grateful for this update as I am. I've switched to OmniFocus because my iPad has become my most important GTD device, but I'll be back with RTM the instant the iPad version is out.
Thanks and keep up the good work

mlmathews says:
Thank you for the update. As someone who's had an iPad since launch day it's felt like a very long wait, but having a better feel for what the status is makes it a lot easier to be patient. I'm a big fan of RTM and love the iPhone app. The normal RTM website UI is hard to use with an iPad, so I've always felt like RTM was something that is "missing" on the iPad. If you guys ever run out of development ideas (ha!), I'd suggest making an iPad friendly version of the website.

timuiuc says:
Thanks for the update, Emily! I think we all appreciate the hard work of the RTM team and I'm glad RTM is putting so much thought into the user experience on iPad. I can't wait to download the app!

rocku1981 says:
yes, we really need an ipad version!

gabrielsilvabr says:
+1 for iPad version (from Brazil)

(closed account) says:
+1 for Ipad Emily, Gustavo from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

repolho says:
+1 from Brazil

(closed account) says:
+1 for an iPad version

carsten.thiele says:

gegillo says:

mark.gibaud says:
Good decision Emily - tough to delay releases when so much pressure here but I hope I can speak on behalf of most here when I say we'd rather wait a little longer and get a better quality app!

dpotts says:
I'm a pro user with an iPad and iPhone that's been through the iOS beta testing drill with several apps. Just putting that out there... :)

kenhwee says:
Eagerly awaiting the iPad version too. Thanks much.

lourobtn says:
+1 here. Looking forward to it!

sherz says:
+1 for ipad, please

barlow.tucker says:
+1 iPad version would be AWESOME! Hope it is done soon.

(closed account) says:
Also eagerly waiting for the iPad version!

drtjstone says:
+1 - RTM is the best in class but lagging behind others because of lack of **decent** iPad support
Very keen to see an iPad version and happy to beta test if helpful.
Very keen to see an iPad version and happy to beta test if helpful.

philipjohn says:
On Feb 1st I'll be getting my shiney new HTC Desire HD. If the iPad app is out by then you bet your ass I'll be going Pro! Can't wait!

gobruins2154 says:

jeff.street says:
+1 for an iPad app.

madriaza says:
+1 for a rtm app in the ipad

duma says:
Emily: THANK YOU for the update! Will go Pro when this comes out.

penmonkey says:
+1 for RTM or iPad. I would love to have it for my ipad.

sukhpreet1 says:
Ipad version please , i have an android phone but i use IPAD at home.
I will be great if you can do ipad version soon. Will go pro as soon as thats done . This will offer me a complete solution
I will be great if you can do ipad version soon. Will go pro as soon as thats done . This will offer me a complete solution

(closed account) says:
+1 from me, anxiously awaiting RTM goodness on my new iPad

(closed account) says:
Using the iPhone app in doubled mode is awkward because everyone around me sees my to do list like a billboard. In small mode typing is physically awkward. I am not alone! Please soothe our collective discomfort by making this App universal! At 788 tasks completed last year--I use RTM frequently--and would on my iPad... but avoid it right now (when on the iPad) :(

b3c says:
+1 from Austria, RTM is absolutely the best one. Working with the so fast iPhone App while waiting on iPad-version.
+1 Banana to Bob.
+1 Banana to Bob.

tvermilye says:
+1 from me too for iPad. I gotta have it! Can't wait!

craig.sales says:
+1 will go pro when this comes out

glmorgan says:
+1 for the iPad version

thomasvanderkleij says:
+1 RTM for iPAD FTW

kotshynona says:
+1 Ну мужики!!!!!!!!!!

dominic.spachmann says:
@earlcaulley: You're not alone :)
Looping forward to that App...
Looping forward to that App...

produttivo says:
+1 for iPad please

barlow.tucker says:
@earlcaulley checking every day as well. Can't wait

b3c says:
@earlcaulley: no you are not alone!

(closed account) says:
+1 for the iPad version ;)

(closed account) says:
From Spain....
iPad version now!!! ;)
+ for the iPad version ASAP!
iPad version now!!! ;)
+ for the iPad version ASAP!

(closed account) says:
Thanks for the update, Emily.
I understand why the iPad version needs a completely new interface. It is good thinking of Bob to code and design from scratch. And also good you are looking over his shoulder ;)
If you need a tester: let me know.
Keep up the good work!
I understand why the iPad version needs a completely new interface. It is good thinking of Bob to code and design from scratch. And also good you are looking over his shoulder ;)
If you need a tester: let me know.
Keep up the good work!

analuisapm says:
+1 ipad version please :)

jslater316 says:
Thanks for the update, keep 'em coming! I appreciate wanting to do it right (and wouldn't want it any other way), but the wait is killing me! Hopefully it will at least come before the iPad's 1-year mark?

(closed account) says:
Anyone know if there is an ipad app using the RTM API whilst we wait for Bob to finish coding the real app?

lukas.fruit says:
+1 for ipad version.

zonker says:
You know, this is absolutely ridiculous. It's been a year since the iPad was announced, and about nine months since it shipped. There's absolutely no excuse that users are **still** waiting for an iPad native version. I re-upped my Pro account in July of last year on RTM's word that an iPad version was a priority and "coming soon."
What's worse? They've removed API access for third party programs that work on the iPad (from Appigo) because they 'didn't have a commercial license." http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2010/05/18/remember-the-milk-and-appigo-cant-get-along-users-get-screwed/
I'm sick of waiting. I'd love a refund on my account, but RTM makes it nearly impossible to get in touch with customer service, so I'm doing the next best thing: Taking my money to a competing service that actually allows API access so I can get to my tasks on the device I want to use.
What's worse? They've removed API access for third party programs that work on the iPad (from Appigo) because they 'didn't have a commercial license." http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2010/05/18/remember-the-milk-and-appigo-cant-get-along-users-get-screwed/
I'm sick of waiting. I'd love a refund on my account, but RTM makes it nearly impossible to get in touch with customer service, so I'm doing the next best thing: Taking my money to a competing service that actually allows API access so I can get to my tasks on the device I want to use.

(closed account) says:
Hi Emily,
I am so incredibly excited by this feature your team is building.
Do you have an ETA yet?
I am so incredibly excited by this feature your team is building.
Do you have an ETA yet?

zonker says:
Aopigo was able to deliver a Todo app on the iPad that synced with RTM within a month or two - what's so difficult for your development team, folks?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
zonker, I understand you missed out on the refund that we offered at the time of the Appigo issue (unfortunately they violated our API terms and we had to terminate their API license :(. I've just sent you your refund via PayPal.
Third-party developers are more than welcome to apply for access to our API; pwfarrow asked if there are any third-party iPad apps using the API. I'm not sure if anyone's developed one, but if anyone here knows about one, please feel free to share here -- the more apps, the merrier. :)
Regarding timing, every iPad app is completely different, but I posted some information about the delay with ours earlier in this topic. We really appreciate how overwhelmingly supportive and patient everyone has been with us, and we're very much hoping we can deliver something that's worth the wait. :)
Third-party developers are more than welcome to apply for access to our API; pwfarrow asked if there are any third-party iPad apps using the API. I'm not sure if anyone's developed one, but if anyone here knows about one, please feel free to share here -- the more apps, the merrier. :)
Regarding timing, every iPad app is completely different, but I posted some information about the delay with ours earlier in this topic. We really appreciate how overwhelmingly supportive and patient everyone has been with us, and we're very much hoping we can deliver something that's worth the wait. :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
gboisvert, no ETA just yet, but I'll be sharing it the second that I have more info on timing -- we're very excited, too. :)

ken.ficara says:
It's early 2011. Do you know where your iPad app is?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi ken.ficara, we don't have an ETA just yet beyond early this year (obviously we're in late January now, so early 2011 will be soonish :). Just as soon as I have more info on timing, I'll share it here.

st.edwards says:
I am not a patient person. I will give you another six months to complete and release your iPad application. If, after that time, you have not met my demands, I will slowly begin to cut of all banana supplies to the Australian mainland. Further failure to comply with my requests will result in monkeys being outlawed and all those called Bob being incarcerated for an indefinite period of time.
You have been warned…Bob.
You have been warned…Bob.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Nooooooooo! Not the bananas! Bob promises to be good and code as quickly as his furry little paws allow.

(closed account) says:
I don't think I have the time to put in the effort st.edwards can with the Banana embargo, but I did just extend my Pro account the other day. So, by this time next year, I better have an iPad application that makes my iPhone app look like a wimp, or Evernote integration, or a shark with a friggin lazer beam on it.
Or I'm going to go use another service like Tood...no, tried that. Horrible. Or Google Tasks! Wait, are they even supporting that still? Really? Wow. Or Outlook! Outlook has a task to-do kind of thing in it maybe still not quite sure.
Well, just a bit short on options then. Either have an iPad app, Evernote integration, or a shark with a friggin lazer beam on it, or I'm breaking out my Hipster PDA again, or my Moleskine, or something else that contributes to the slaughter of defenseless trees.
Or I'm going to go use another service like Tood...no, tried that. Horrible. Or Google Tasks! Wait, are they even supporting that still? Really? Wow. Or Outlook! Outlook has a task to-do kind of thing in it maybe still not quite sure.
Well, just a bit short on options then. Either have an iPad app, Evernote integration, or a shark with a friggin lazer beam on it, or I'm breaking out my Hipster PDA again, or my Moleskine, or something else that contributes to the slaughter of defenseless trees.

touff says:
@wil.case, couldn't have said it better myself, my pro sub is up in a couple of months!
Emily, please, please, **please** don't forget to add offline notifications on the iPad, otherwise its useless to a lot of us.
Also just tell Bob to add offline notifications to iPhone too while he's at it! :)
Emily, please, please, **please** don't forget to add offline notifications on the iPad, otherwise its useless to a lot of us.
Also just tell Bob to add offline notifications to iPhone too while he's at it! :)

eschapman says:
Letting my pro lapse unless an Ipad app comes soon.

irek says:
+1 for iPad app

mazur says:
GIEF iPad version naow or the bananas are gone! GONE it tell you!!!!!

dominic.spachmann says:
Well, lets see, how long this post is in here...
There already IS a proper alternative with Evernote integration, full GTD functionality (Projects with tasks and material and so on), ipad and iphone app.
Only things that let me stay for the the moment: My pro account lasts until November and the price of that alternative.
So Emily, its serious... I really will think about alternatives...
There already IS a proper alternative with Evernote integration, full GTD functionality (Projects with tasks and material and so on), ipad and iphone app.
Only things that let me stay for the the moment: My pro account lasts until November and the price of that alternative.
So Emily, its serious... I really will think about alternatives...

(closed account) says:
Will you let us know when you have submitted to the App Store at least? There is a banana in it for you.

munderwood says:
Guess I wasn't paying attention - just bought an iPad, sync'd it all up, and then stared with amazement when the RTM app came up as a tiny blob in the middle of the screen.
Evernote doesn't do that. The BBC news app doesn't do that. Loads of apps are capable of realising they're on an ipad and adjusting accordingly.
I'd sooner you just brought out an update that used the whole screen in a similar way right now, then bring an all-new 'user experience' later on.
A tiny window in them middle of the screen ain't 'Pro', is it?
Evernote doesn't do that. The BBC news app doesn't do that. Loads of apps are capable of realising they're on an ipad and adjusting accordingly.
I'd sooner you just brought out an update that used the whole screen in a similar way right now, then bring an all-new 'user experience' later on.
A tiny window in them middle of the screen ain't 'Pro', is it?

mlmathews says:
munderwood, that's the iPhone app you installed. It's a great app, but it's not a dual mode app like the Evernote app. I use iPhone app all the time on my iPhone and really like it, which is I'm so eager to get a version of the app that's made for the iPad.

munderwood says:
I know - I use both RTM and Evernote apps on my iphone, very happy with both.
My point was that, when I added an iPad to my collection, the Evernote app. transferred and immediately worked much better - the RTM app transferred and stayed exactly the same.
It's not like the iPad came out last week - its about to be superseded in a few weeks time, and still the RTM app doesn't recoginse it :-(
I know - I use both RTM and Evernote apps on my iphone, very happy with both.
My point was that, when I added an iPad to my collection, the Evernote app. transferred and immediately worked much better - the RTM app transferred and stayed exactly the same.
It's not like the iPad came out last week - its about to be superseded in a few weeks time, and still the RTM app doesn't recoginse it :-(

(closed account) says:
WOW! What a bunch of spoiled brats! And I include myself in this category.... what did we do before the iPAD??? Give RTM a chance! I'm sure it will be worth it.
Now Monkey - I just put myself on the line for you... you better freakin' deliver...... or else.
Now Monkey - I just put myself on the line for you... you better freakin' deliver...... or else.

wwc says:
My pro expires in about a week, and I wanted you to know that I'll be holding off renewing until there is an actual iPad app. Nothing in "pro" helps me until then, and I've lost that "warm fuzzy feeling" due to the repeated "we're working on it" statements which somehow turn out not to happen.
Hope this very tiny push causes Bob to get over the finish line with this!
Hope this very tiny push causes Bob to get over the finish line with this!

(closed account) says:
Very very very very eager to get an iPad app for this. I know you are working on it, but please hurry...!

sven.blum says:
Why is it not possible, to adapt the iPhone version to the higher resolution without making any other changes until your superdupermegenew version is out?
Look at it this way:
- People in here have an iPad.
- They want to work but they can't.
- They will soon switch to something else.
- You'll loose your base...
!! Your delay is strange and your company is becoming less and less credible !!
Why is it not possible, to adapt the iPhone version to the higher resolution without making any other changes until your superdupermegenew version is out?
Look at it this way:
- People in here have an iPad.
- They want to work but they can't.
- They will soon switch to something else.
- You'll loose your base...
!! Your delay is strange and your company is becoming less and less credible !!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
sven.blum, working on a large screen version of the iPhone app would take resources away from working on our real iPad app, and we really want to get the real thing out as soon as we can. (If we'd known earlier just how long it would take to develop the real app, we might've considered an interim solution, but right now we just need to finish the actual app! :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
rod.satterwhite, I'll share more info on timing just as soon as I have it, but right now we don't have an ETA beyond early this year, sorry. :(

gjagils says:
Hi, Waiting like the rest .
What would really be usefull in the app is multi user. on the iphone i only work myself. On the ipad me and my wife are both working. So working with multiple users would be great!
What would really be usefull in the app is multi user. on the iphone i only work myself. On the ipad me and my wife are both working. So working with multiple users would be great!

ashujoshi says:
I think using "Early" is a very good idea. Because the definition of early is vague enough.
My guess is RTM's "early" implies first quarter - so may be 45 days before we see it? Another way, and a Glass Half Full way to look at it - release it end of March (first quarter, still meets "early") and that is BEFORE the first message on this post was submitted 4/4/2010!
Another advantage - the RTM iPad App would be ready for the new rumored iPad?
My guess is RTM's "early" implies first quarter - so may be 45 days before we see it? Another way, and a Glass Half Full way to look at it - release it end of March (first quarter, still meets "early") and that is BEFORE the first message on this post was submitted 4/4/2010!
Another advantage - the RTM iPad App would be ready for the new rumored iPad?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey Everyone!
I (finally!) have some news to share regarding our schedule. :)
The app will be going into the Pro Tester Program next month (barring any major hiccups, of course :). Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing, and I know we have more than 100 people who'd like to participate, so we'll likely have some kind of lottery for invites. We'll email everyone who's joined the tester program about that as we get close to starting testing.
The duration of the test will depend on the feedback we receive from testers (as well as how many bugs they find, and how long it takes us to squish said bugs...). We don't anticipate it being a long test, though (think weeks).
After the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.
We'll be keeping everyone updated on where we are in the schedule, and how things are going, as we head towards the release. As I mentioned previously, it's taken longer than we'd originally planned to develop the app, and we genuinely appreciate all the support we've received from the RTM community during the (long!) development process. Bob (and the rest of the team) very much hope that what we'll be delivering is worth the wait. :)
I (finally!) have some news to share regarding our schedule. :)
The app will be going into the Pro Tester Program next month (barring any major hiccups, of course :). Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing, and I know we have more than 100 people who'd like to participate, so we'll likely have some kind of lottery for invites. We'll email everyone who's joined the tester program about that as we get close to starting testing.
The duration of the test will depend on the feedback we receive from testers (as well as how many bugs they find, and how long it takes us to squish said bugs...). We don't anticipate it being a long test, though (think weeks).
After the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.
We'll be keeping everyone updated on where we are in the schedule, and how things are going, as we head towards the release. As I mentioned previously, it's taken longer than we'd originally planned to develop the app, and we genuinely appreciate all the support we've received from the RTM community during the (long!) development process. Bob (and the rest of the team) very much hope that what we'll be delivering is worth the wait. :)

Just had a look around at alternatives but still don't like them as much as RTM.
This is really a extraneous post in the hope that in choosing the 100 testers you check this thread.
I'm already a member of the pro-tester programme (the UK version) and I do solemnly swear to beta the heck out of it.
Just had a look around at alternatives but still don't like them as much as RTM.
This is really a extraneous post in the hope that in choosing the 100 testers you check this thread.
I'm already a member of the pro-tester programme (the UK version) and I do solemnly swear to beta the heck out of it.

noeldear says:
The best news! Thanks for the hard work. Looking forward to seeing and using it!

chrisbx says:
Great !
I could be a beta tester for the french version if you need...
I could be a beta tester for the french version if you need...

(closed account) says:
This is great news!! Woohoooooooo!

psychopot says:
Great news, I'm stoked!

(closed account) says:
Only one more day to go … ^^
I hope I win in the lottery, can't wait for an iPad-App. =)
I hope I win in the lottery, can't wait for an iPad-App. =)

(closed account) says:
Oh, I didn't see the note in the top … March it is, then … ^^

(closed account) says:
Yes! Screenshot!

(closed account) says:
Awesome. Can't wait. Hope I win the lottery winner. My iPad goes everywhere with me. It has replaced my laptop and this app will make a huge difference.

dominic.spachmann says:
It's almost March... Beautiful month :-)

beny says:
Looking forward to iPad version. Hope too that I can test another awesome version of Remember the milk app too. Please bob choose me ;)

(closed account) says:
March is: RTM @ iPad month :-)
You can check my name on your shortlist of pro testers.
You can check my name on your shortlist of pro testers.

dominic.spachmann says:
it's march (at least in Germany) :-)

coltjames says:
Anxiously waiting. I would love to be a pro tester for you.
I am a programmer. I understand how development goes. I am not expecting it until the end of March.
I get the impression they are focused on building a very high quality app. I am certain it will be worth the wait.
I am a programmer. I understand how development goes. I am not expecting it until the end of March.
I get the impression they are focused on building a very high quality app. I am certain it will be worth the wait.

(closed account) says:
I havent received any email for the testing program

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi garzalivas,
We'll be sending out the emails to members of the Pro Tester Program when we're just about ready to start testing (which will be this month, but isn't quite just yet).
Hope this helps!
We'll be sending out the emails to members of the Pro Tester Program when we're just about ready to start testing (which will be this month, but isn't quite just yet).
Hope this helps!

frankjl09 says:
OMG can I please join this program? I recently started managing an overseas zendesk and my day to day tasks are off the roof. I started paying for your pro service and having this on my ipad would be awesome.

djdinut1 says:
I've been waiting for your iPad app and would like to be among those testing it, please.

matt.pugh says:
Cant wait for the ipad app.
Hope I can be one of the testers too.
Using RTM on just about every gadget I have.
Making the most of my blocky 2 x version on the ipad until the new one arrives.
Hope I can be one of the testers too.
Using RTM on just about every gadget I have.
Making the most of my blocky 2 x version on the ipad until the new one arrives.

pbrody says:
Please add me to the lottery.

pattygolsteijn says:
Would love to be part of the testing program. I just went back to the RTM Pro version, because right now there's nothing better around than RTM.

saschaheller says:
Looking forward to the iPad app!

willnelson says:
@earicaulley great point about the iPad 2 being released before RTM for iPad. I love RTM, but part of the reason I chose it over others was because it was available on every platform I used at the time. The iPad has become a big part of my workflow, so this has been a painful wait.

montfort says:
Indeed a sad affair that the iPad2 will beat the release of RTM for the iPad(1)....

(closed account) says:
Made my day Emily.

papzadsl says:
I'd kill for beta testing Bob's masterpiece :D

milkiglo says:
Wish I had an iPad! Love using RTM!

xxdesmus says:
Can't wait for the official iPad app! Hoping to get into the beta, but keep up the great work.

davidtesler says:
waiting anxiously

beanj007 says:
Would love into the beta!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I just wanted to post an update on where we're at...
As we announced last month, the iPad app will be going into the Pro Tester Program this month, then launching shortly after -- we're still on track for that. If you're interested in testing, please make sure you're signed up to our tester program. :)
What's happening next?
We're now in the final bug fixing and polishing up stage (yay!). We'll be emailing Pro Tester Program members sometime next week (i.e., the week starting March 21), and asking everyone to indicate if they're interested in testing the iPad app. We'll give people a couple of days to respond, before randomly selecting 100 testers and beginning testing (as I mentioned before, Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing, so we can only invite this number :(.
How long will testing take?
As I posted previously, the duration of the test will depend on the feedback we receive from testers (as well as how many bugs they find, and how long it takes us to squish said bugs...). We don't anticipate it being a long test, though (think weeks).
After the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.
We're super excited to (finally!) be in the home stretch, and that we'll be getting to share the app with everybody very soon.
As we announced last month, the iPad app will be going into the Pro Tester Program this month, then launching shortly after -- we're still on track for that. If you're interested in testing, please make sure you're signed up to our tester program. :)
What's happening next?
We're now in the final bug fixing and polishing up stage (yay!). We'll be emailing Pro Tester Program members sometime next week (i.e., the week starting March 21), and asking everyone to indicate if they're interested in testing the iPad app. We'll give people a couple of days to respond, before randomly selecting 100 testers and beginning testing (as I mentioned before, Apple only lets us authorize 100 devices for testing, so we can only invite this number :(.
How long will testing take?
As I posted previously, the duration of the test will depend on the feedback we receive from testers (as well as how many bugs they find, and how long it takes us to squish said bugs...). We don't anticipate it being a long test, though (think weeks).
After the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.
We're super excited to (finally!) be in the home stretch, and that we'll be getting to share the app with everybody very soon.

psychopot says:
Thnx for the update: good service. Stoked about the iPad version :D Good luck finishing up the details. Happy coding ;)

tkeener says:
Add me to the list of new iPad 2 users that can't wait to see the iPad version of one of my favorite apps.

bertrand.tan says:
Its about time! More than 10 months ago there was confirmation of an iPad app and yet in that time we haven't seen anything. I'd rather have a buggy release at this stage than no release at all!
This new iPad app better be MINDBLOWING! :D
This new iPad app better be MINDBLOWING! :D

tybeck says:
iPad version would be one more reason to convince me to buy the dang thing. I also second Offline functions. Great news!

uramsing says:
With this wait, we can afford to be patient. Please take your time to deliver a solid product. I'd rather a robust release with fewer features than the opposite. Please advise if you at any point need specific items tested; I'd be happy to lend a hand.

eric.r.park says:
Is the iPad version going to be a universal app? Can we expect to see improvements to the iPhone version as well?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi eric.r.park,
Yes, it will be a universal app.
This particular release is focused on the iPad app -- the iPhone app will benefit from some bug fixes and performance improvements that we've made to common code during the iPad app's development, but it won't be seeing feature updates in this release.
Yes, it will be a universal app.
This particular release is focused on the iPad app -- the iPhone app will benefit from some bug fixes and performance improvements that we've made to common code during the iPad app's development, but it won't be seeing feature updates in this release.

psionmark says:
Waiting with baited breath for the iPad test email :)

bertrand.tan says:
Yep, hoping that I get one too! Maybe everyone on this thread should get one since we're the ones that are crazy enough to post here! But keep it shhhhhh. :D

(closed account) says:
@emily When you have plans to release the next version? If I renew my subscription can I test the app in the Pro Tester Program? Thanks.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
christiandavidpc, are you referring to the iPad app or the next version of the iPhone app?
I don't know when the next version of the iPhone app will be (sorry!), as right now we're focused on getting the iPad app out. Hopefully after the iPad app's out, we'll have some more time for updates to other mobile apps, but I don't know the timeframe right now.
Any testing that we do of our iPad and iPhone apps in the Pro Tester Program is unfortunately limited to 100 devices (that's all that Apple lets us authorize for testing :( and we'll be assigning those spots randomly. I know that we have more than 100 people interested in testing, so I'm sorry I can't guarantee a spot. :(
I don't know when the next version of the iPhone app will be (sorry!), as right now we're focused on getting the iPad app out. Hopefully after the iPad app's out, we'll have some more time for updates to other mobile apps, but I don't know the timeframe right now.
Any testing that we do of our iPad and iPhone apps in the Pro Tester Program is unfortunately limited to 100 devices (that's all that Apple lets us authorize for testing :( and we'll be assigning those spots randomly. I know that we have more than 100 people interested in testing, so I'm sorry I can't guarantee a spot. :(

adobkin says:
Just got my shiny new iPad 2 a few days ago. Looking forward to testing the new iPad app if the gods of random selection make it so. My PTP profile is up to date. Thanks!

ashujoshi says:
Have you started the beta testing for the iPad app yet? Any updates on when you are planning to release the iPad version?

(closed account) says:
@emily Thanks for your answer. Yes, I referred to the iPad app. It's a long wait.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
ashujoshi, nope we haven't started just yet -- please see my previous post for details regarding timing.
If you're in the Pro Tester Program, you'll receive an email later this week asking if you're interested in testing the iPad app. (We'll be randomly selecting 100 testers, as Apple limits the number of devices that can be authorized for testing.)
I'll post again here once that email goes out. :)
If you're in the Pro Tester Program, you'll receive an email later this week asking if you're interested in testing the iPad app. (We'll be randomly selecting 100 testers, as Apple limits the number of devices that can be authorized for testing.)
I'll post again here once that email goes out. :)

stephen.nevison says:
How about ebay auctions for the 100 places with the money going to the Japan relief efforts?

stephen.nevison says:
Or even just 10 places for those of us who are overly keen to beta test and don't mind helping a good cause?

papzadsl says:
+1 for Stephen's idea!

bertrand.tan says:
+1 too! Would Apple allow that? Its hardly for profit and at least the money goes to a good cause. Win-win! :D

lasthunter says:
+1! I really want to make sure that i am between the 100 chosen ones :))

xxdesmus says:
I like the idea, but I can't imagine Apple would be all that pleased that it could encourage others to sell the spots in the future. Also, to be entirely just practical, it was draw out the selection process several days/a week to run an auction.
I like the idea, but I can't imagine Apple would be all that pleased that it could encourage others to sell the spots in the future. Also, to be entirely just practical, it was draw out the selection process several days/a week to run an auction.

chris.mendoza says:
ipad version please! It's overdue, especially with the ipad 2 out now!!

papzadsl says:
I haven't received any email yet. Did anyone of you?

jonjudelson says:
whoa, I can't wait to get my hands on this app...I hope I get to be a tester! And yes +1 indeed.

b3c says:
Friday. No sent out emails anymore. Am I right?

mlmathews says:
Only 5 days left in this month. Only 9 days until this thread is a year old.
Love RTM and recommend it to everyone. Got my dad signed up for a Pro account a few weeks ago when he got an iPhone, and he loves it too. He's going to inherit my iPad after I get my iPad 2 in a few weeks, so pretty please let there be an iPad RTM app by then.
Love RTM and recommend it to everyone. Got my dad signed up for a Pro account a few weeks ago when he got an iPhone, and he loves it too. He's going to inherit my iPad after I get my iPad 2 in a few weeks, so pretty please let there be an iPad RTM app by then.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now emailed all Pro Tester Program members about iPad app testing, so please check your email. :)

mathieupolo says:
All Pro tester members? My pro tester profile is up to date and I didn't receive any emails...

thebootfitter says:
Mozan -- Do you have iOS selected as one of your operating systems on which you use RTM? If not, you wouldn't have received an email. Otherwise, check your SPAM folder, perhaps?

stephen.nevison says:
My profile is up to date and has had iOS selected since 2009 yet no email ? Checked all my spam too but no joy.

stephen.nevison says:
The email just came though, fingers crossed now.

Good luck to all the beta testers. I did not sign up because I doubt I would have the time and didn't want to take a spot away from someone who had more motivation. It's all in your hands now! The sooner you can find bugs and certify the app, the sooner us common users can enjoy it! :)

francola says:
Excellent news! Hoping for the luck of the draw! =)

mathieupolo says:
Yes IOS was checked. Nothing in SPAM folder. Weird... I was really hoping to test the iPad app.
Yes IOS was checked. Nothing in SPAM folder. Weird... I was really hoping to test the iPad app.

If you still haven't received the tester email, would you mind getting in touch with us here so we can look into this?
If you still haven't received the tester email, would you mind getting in touch with us here so we can look into this?

mathieupolo says:
Thank you! I just sent the email.
Thank you! I just sent the email.

(closed account) says:
...have responded, eagerly awaiting.....

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The 100 iPad app testers have now been notified; thanks to everyone who was interested!
We wish we could've invited you all, but now that we're testing the iPad app, the launch won't be far away. :)
We wish we could've invited you all, but now that we're testing the iPad app, the launch won't be far away. :)

mlmathews says:
Hopefully you testers aren't under a NDA or something and can tell the rest of us if we should be getting excited or not.

(closed account) says:
I'm sad. I have not been selected!

xxdesmus says:
No idea about the testing NDA -- but I believe we're not allowed to say anything specific (so I won't).

mlmathews says:
So, is the testing actually underway? Any hints on how things are looking for public release? Thanks for any updates.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
mlmathews, yup testing is well underway. We're currently working through the bug reports and feedback that testers have been sending us, and releasing new versions to the testers every day or two as we get bugs squished and UI tweaked. I'll post as we have more news. :)

Testers are under NDA:
"I understand that any new features that I am given access to as part of the Pro Tester Program are pre-release and confidential. I promise not to share any information about these features with others, or disclose information about these features publically (e.g. through blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc)."
"I understand that any new features that I am given access to as part of the Pro Tester Program are pre-release and confidential. I promise not to share any information about these features with others, or disclose information about these features publically (e.g. through blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc)."

(closed account) says:
Well, doesn't look like I'll be getting a shark with a friggin laser on it, but iPad RTM will do just as well. Very excited for the release.

(closed account) says:

montfort says:
Let's hope for this month!

rverswey says:
As soon as the iPad app is available, I'll get a pro license.... Or sooner 'cos testing it with android phone now, and works perfectly.

(closed account) says:
I have a pro license. Will you notify us (me) when the update is available? The current version is not good at all on the iPad.

The best way to watch for new announcements is to keep an eye on our blog or follow us on Twitter. The latest news will be posted there.
Hope that helps!
The best way to watch for new announcements is to keep an eye on our blog or follow us on Twitter. The latest news will be posted there.
Hope that helps!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Rod, we're still testing with our 100 testers (see my last update), fixing bugs and making sure everything is solid.
I've posted previously about our estimated timeframe -- we anticipated a testing period with a duration in the weeks (and we're getting pretty close to wrapping that up).
As I said earlier, after the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.
I've posted previously about our estimated timeframe -- we anticipated a testing period with a duration in the weeks (and we're getting pretty close to wrapping that up).
As I said earlier, after the test is complete and the last bug is squished, we'll be submitting the app to Apple. We don't have any control over how long it will take to get the app approved, but fingers crossed it won't be much longer than 7 days.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I know this topic has been a bit trickier to find, seeing as we moved it on everyone! The full explanation for the move of this topic (and others) into the Ideas forum is here... sorry to disappoint anyone with exciting conspiracy theories for the move. :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The release candidate has just gone out to our 100 testers -- we'll allow for a few days of testing, just to make sure we haven't introduced any new bugs in our bug squishing. :)
If there's no problems with the release candidate, we should be submitting the app to Apple this week (w00t!).
A huge thanks to everyone who's been patiently waiting for us to work through our testing! (I've said it before, but if we could've invited every single one of you to help us test, we would've! :)
If there's no problems with the release candidate, we should be submitting the app to Apple this week (w00t!).
A huge thanks to everyone who's been patiently waiting for us to work through our testing! (I've said it before, but if we could've invited every single one of you to help us test, we would've! :)

(closed account) says:
Its like waiting for Santa! Except you have to leave banana's out instead of cookies...
Very excited. I've been waiting for this and the Moleskine app to come out forever. However, the Moleskine was like a slap in the head with a week old trout. I'm sure y'all will do much better! :)
Very excited. I've been waiting for this and the Moleskine app to come out forever. However, the Moleskine was like a slap in the head with a week old trout. I'm sure y'all will do much better! :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Well, I certainly hope that our app won't be like a slap in the head with a week old trout... but you guys can be the judge of that. :D

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Just an update on my last post: release candidate 2 went out to the testers today (there were a couple of last minute fixes we had to make). We'll see how this one goes, and let everyone know once we get the app submitted to Apple. :)

mburchrtm says:

(closed account) says:

bebob says:
So, like, tomorrow right? :)

(closed account) says:
Oooooh! It's like Christmas! Can't wait!
Thanks for the updates! :)
Thanks for the updates! :)

cjmegatron81 says:
I can't wait. This will be epic.

aloshka says:
Omg, I can't believe this is happening. So excited! No sarcasm I really need/want the iPad version of this.

Echoing the excitement of recent commenters: this is a big, big deal. My LIFE is in my RTM account, and with no iPad app, my eye has been wandering to other tools. But I want to stay loyal! So I'm holding my breath and am VERY hopeful about the iPad app. I can live with fewer features; I just want an app that suits the iPad form factor.
Thanks for all the updates, Emily!
Thanks for all the updates, Emily!

elmaestri says:
Same here! Waiting patiently and hoping for a really good app.
Same here! Waiting patiently and hoping for a really good app.

(closed account) says:
How is RC2 going?

cjmegatron81 says:
I just added a year to my month long Pro account. Please bring the iPad app to us soon!

(closed account) says:
Yes, please do! Will there be another RC after RC2?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The iPad app has, at long last, been submitted to Apple for approval (yay!).
And now we wait... :)
A massive thanks to our testers (you know who you are :) for helping us to track down bugs and improve the app over the last few weeks.
And, of course, a huge thanks also to everyone who's been supporting us while waiting for the app. :)
And now we wait... :)
A massive thanks to our testers (you know who you are :) for helping us to track down bugs and improve the app over the last few weeks.
And, of course, a huge thanks also to everyone who's been supporting us while waiting for the app. :)

(closed account) says:
That is really very good news! Many thanks for updating and for the work - I am REALLY looking forward to this app being released by Apple.

francola says:
I was honored to have been chosen to help test the app! I must say, I feel that most will be pleasantly surprised at how beautiful and nicely built it is! RTM FTW!!

cjmegatron81 says:
Can we see screenshots of the app?
Will it be a universal app?
Will it be a universal app?

kgainey17 says:
Yay, I am super excited. I just started using RTM and have an ipad that I would love to utilize for work. Will be patiently waiting for approval! :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We're going to wait until Apple approves the app before sharing screenshots (well, we'll be sharing the actual app too at that point :).
And yes, it's a universal app.
We're going to wait until Apple approves the app before sharing screenshots (well, we'll be sharing the actual app too at that point :).
And yes, it's a universal app.

mlmathews says:
Thanks Emily! Do you know if the app will appear as an update to the current iPhone app or as a new app in the store?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
mlmathews, it will appear as an update to the current iPhone app (if you have that installed on your iPad).
action.manager, thanks! :)
action.manager, thanks! :)

mb01915 says:
Emily and Team - a universal app - outstanding.

mb01915 says:
The only downside to knowing this will appear as an update to the iPhone app is that I am checking the app update more frequently than my email. Productivity is definitely down.

cjmegatron81 says:
Thanks Emily.
Thanks Emily.

lasthunter says:
I am really glad I could join the other testers. It's been a great experience, managing my tasks from the couch and in public transport on a bigger screen than the iPhone's :)
I am keen on Apple devices, I wrote down a full paper of ideas and RTM team implemented a lot of them, so I am pleased with the whole process and how it did work out :)
Looking forward for the official release! :)
I am keen on Apple devices, I wrote down a full paper of ideas and RTM team implemented a lot of them, so I am pleased with the whole process and how it did work out :)
Looking forward for the official release! :)

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
lasthunter, thanks -- really appreciated your feedback! :)

tim.adler says:
Please let it be today :-)!

obenski says:
yes! I can't wait

(closed account) says:
This is really dragging on... Still no news?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
vasella, nope, still waiting for Apple's approval. We'll let everyone know the instant it hits the App Store!

skipper.pickle says:
Totally jonesing for this update.
Can't wait!
Can't wait!

(closed account) says:
@skipper.pickle Thanks for teaching a new word. I'm officially jonesing too now.

(closed account) says:
I think that it really is time for some screenshots. Can't imagine that the app will be refused, unless Bob T Monkey is featured in indecent apparel.

bertrand.tan says:
Takes about 2 weeks. Be patient! :D
Emily: Will you be emailing all the users to let them know? Would help then we don't have to keep coming back to this page. (:
Emily: Will you be emailing all the users to let them know? Would help then we don't have to keep coming back to this page. (:

cbrynt says:
Its crazy how long it takes them to approve this. Did they give you a time expectancy? Like 1 week, 2 weeks, etc?

robert.klingler says:
I know that I will be notified via just about every social media known to man kind, but I still keep hitting refresh page. This delay is killing my productivity!

smithiej says:
Remember Steve Jobs claiming that 95% of apps submitted for review are approved within 7 days? I've followed many eagerly awaited apps for iPad through the review process and never have I found any one to be approved in less than 2 weeks. It is crazy how long it takes them.

mlmathews says:
It's released!