Shortcut to add new task (no widget, only shortcut)

niels.muenzner says:
I like RTM & I subscribed to Pro when the Android app arrived at the market, but actually I turned to GTask, because their (unofficial) Android App supports a shortcut at the Homescreen so I can quickly add a new task to the Inbox, without opening the app etc.
Can't you please add this feature too? It is not so difficult like a widget and would help to fire & forget new tasks into RTM.
Would be great because RTM has better functions than any other productivity app.
Thank you very much!
I like RTM & I subscribed to Pro when the Android app arrived at the market, but actually I turned to GTask, because their (unofficial) Android App supports a shortcut at the Homescreen so I can quickly add a new task to the Inbox, without opening the app etc.
Can't you please add this feature too? It is not so difficult like a widget and would help to fire & forget new tasks into RTM.
Would be great because RTM has better functions than any other productivity app.
Thank you very much!

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This is now available in our Smart Bar and Badge widgets in version 2.0.0. :)
Please see our blog post: The ginormous Remember The Milk for Android update
Please see our blog post: The ginormous Remember The Milk for Android update

janniklindquist says:
It's two clicks to add a task using the GTask-widget - and two click to add a task using the RTM-widget (you can use smartadd-syntax to fill in details for the task, when you add it - )

niels.muenzner says:
Thank you - I did not wanted to run another widget (2x2) at my homescreen (gtasks integrates with the Pure Calendar widget), but I will give it another try.
Thank you for the hint
Thank you for the hint

niels.muenzner says:
ok, added the today list to GCal ... is not the setup that I wanted but I will try ... shortcut without widget would be nevertheless nice

(closed account) says:
I personally do not like the "add task" box. It is very cumbersome when you want to add a task with parameters. This is true both on the web browser and on my android application.
Here is a suggestion: allow the user to choose an alternative task entry button, that open a dialog (or a pop-up chooser, like in Google calendar). The alternative entry method will allow entering all parameters, plus a note.
On the hand-held application such a "new task" button could be made into a widget, or a pop-up from the main button.
Here is a suggestion: allow the user to choose an alternative task entry button, that open a dialog (or a pop-up chooser, like in Google calendar). The alternative entry method will allow entering all parameters, plus a note.
On the hand-held application such a "new task" button could be made into a widget, or a pop-up from the main button.

fabien.lisiecki says:
To quickly add a task, I use QuickRTM application (available there:
It simply sends the task by smtp to your personnal remember the milk address.
So this app can also work for non-pro users.
It simply sends the task by smtp to your personnal remember the milk address.
So this app can also work for non-pro users.