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Found bug: "in 1 month" will schedule task for *two* months later

markus.dreyer says:
Be careful when you add tasks today.

If you add a task for one month later, RTM will set its due date *two* months from now.

Try it! Add the task:
"buy car in 1 month": The due date will be 03/29/2010.

Today is 01/29/2010, so it should really be 02/29/2010, which doesn't exist, so it should be 03/01/2010.

Specifying a due date in 2 or 3 months is fine:
"buy car in 2 months": The due date will also be 03/29/2010.
"buy car in 3 months": The due date will also be 04/29/2010.

The problem seems to be that just incrementing the month by 1 leads to an invalid date (02/29/2010). Does this also happen on 01/31 and other 31st dates?
Posted at 1:45pm on January 29, 2010
bwicks34 says:
I am experiencing a similar problem. The evaluation of dueAfter:"1 month of now", which I have used in a smart list for a long time with no recent changes, has suddenly started evaluating incorrectly - returning instead tasks due after (I assume) 2 months from now.
Posted 15 years ago
alexbepple says:
I have a similar problem with repetition set to "every month". The task was due today, 31 January, I completed it and its next due date was 31 March.
Posted 15 years ago
bill42 says:
I first noticed the problem with something I specified as repeating "after 1 month" going to Mar 31.

I can confirm that following behavior:
"in 1 month" yields Mar 31 (Skips Feb)
"in 2 months" yields Mar 31 (Skips Feb)
"in 3 months" yields May 31 (Skips April)

Not sure what the right answer since Feb 28th isn't really in 1 month. And neither is Mar 3rd. If you specify "in 30 days" you get what you expect, as well as "in 4 weeks".
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I've added this to our list to investigate; in the meantime, bill42's workarounds of using days/weeks may be necessary.
Posted 15 years ago
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