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duser says:
May I create calendar ivent (with time calculating anddisplaing in calendar as an ivent) from RTHM task with 1-2 clicks?
If I have this possibility please, explain me please how.
Thanks for your answers.
Posted at 2:59am on January 24, 2010
ranbarton Power Poster says:
If you subscribe to an iCal feed of your tasks (instructions here:, you will see tasks appear as a distinct calendar among your various calendars.

The event start time will coincide with the tasks's due date, but each task will appear for one hour, regardless of the time estimate in RTM.
Posted 15 years ago
duser says:
Sorry, may be I incorrest formulated my task.
I have some strange planning manner in RTM I just planning something generaly. It may be task same a frog. or may be this task may has due few hours. And then I see this tasks in th top of day in g Cal. And I interested in dayli planing then. I need situate this task in my day with few clicks. I just need create from this event with time starting.
Thanks for answers.

PS. Sorry for my bad English.
Posted 15 years ago
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