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Something weird with RTM - dates not matching phone vs online (DROID)

jasonpbyu says:
Online it shows 4 things due today and 6 things due tomorrow (Thursday), but on my Droid, the date is right and it shows these 10 items as being due today. Then things that online show due on Friday show being due tomorrow on my DROID.

Things showing Sunday online show Saturday in my phone.

Anyone seen this? HELP!
Posted at 9:51pm on January 20, 2010
jasonpbyu says:
Further... I just added something online for May 1, it syncs to phone as April 30th but still shows online as May 1.

What is going on?
Posted 15 years ago
jasonpbyu says:
one final note, it appears when i put in a task on the phone it syncs fine, but when i put one in via web, the date is 1 day off on the phone.

I just added a "test test test" on May 1st, when i hit sync it showed Apr 30th on the phone.

Has worked fine until today, anyone???
Posted 15 years ago
jasonpbyu says:
Tried removing the app from phone and installing again, still the same issue. Going nuts!!!!
Posted 15 years ago
leah.shalom Power Poster says:

You may want to double check that your time zone settings are the same in the website (Settings) and in the Droid app.

I hope this helps,
Posted 15 years ago
jasonpbyu says:
Ugh, where is the RTM staff? I found a thread with the same issue over in the DROID forum... they said that if the phone, computer and web settings are not all the same time zone, it will cause problems.

Well what about those that travel a lot? I work in Texas for 2 weeks then Utah for 1 week, then Texas for 2, Utah for 1.

My laptop and web settings are on central time, so when I'm in Utah (mountain time), does this mean that RTM won't work?

If so, I need to find another solution which is made for people who aren't in the same time zone 365 days a year.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Unfortunately RTM doesn't currently support shifting timezones; when a due date is set in one timezone, the task will be due at the start of that day (i.e., midnight) in that timezone.

It's something that's on our list to look into supporting in the future.

You may find that leaving the tasks alone works in some cases (if possible), or changing your timezone on the website and your computer.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Posted 15 years ago
jasonpbyu says:
Leah, my computer is set to central -6:00, the RTM settings are set to central -6:00 (chicago is the city)... my phone is now in Utah so it is going to be Mountain time, but I will be in Texas again next week... surely this program can adapt with people who travel out of a timezone.
Posted 15 years ago
jasonpbyu says:
and there is nowhere i'm finding in the app to specify timezone, i assume it pulls from my phone. so right now my laptop is central, my RTM settings are central but my phone is mountain. help!!
Posted 15 years ago
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