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RTM for Gmail Firefox Extension Stopped Working

chriskanan says:
For some reason RTM for Gmail's Firefox Extension stopped working a few days ago. I tried restarting firefox and disabling Google labs, but no luck so far. I don't think I changed anything. I know the language is still US English. Any advice on how to fix this?

Posted at 1:02am on January 20, 2010
chriskanan says:
I also should mention that I cleared my browser's cookies and cache and I am running Firefox 3.5.7 and according to the RTM website I'm running Gmail version ilduH_GB8D0, which it says is supported.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
chriskanan, that version is just an example; you have to check your Gmail Settings to find which version you're running.
Posted 15 years ago
hieysk says:
Getting the same issue, firefox info below:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

As for gmail version I can't locate anything from the settings tab.
Posted 15 years ago
chriskanan says:
Sorry, it says:

You are currently using Gmail version "14155931".
This version is supported by Remember The Milk for Gmail.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Can you try disabling any other extensions and clearing Firefox's cache?

If things are still not working as they should be, could you please type/paste the following in your address bar when using Gmail:


That should return a number telling us what your Gmail version is.
Posted 15 years ago
matt.honeycutt says:
My Remember The Milk also stopped working. There's no mention of "Tasks" anywhere in Gmail anymore. I tried the javascript above, and it says my version is 14295598.
Posted 15 years ago
thbst16 says:
Having the same problem since 1/21. Filed report with RTM. GMail version is 14295598
Posted 15 years ago
steeeeeve says:
Exactly the same issue as the two posters above. No mention of tasks on the gmail settings page. Version is 14295598
Posted 15 years ago
jluce50 says:
I just started experiencing this problem yesterday as well! Gmail version 14295598.

Without RTM I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached! Help!
Posted 15 years ago
fullrg says:
Having the same problem (version 14295598) since today
Can't see any mention of RTM (except extension), using Chrome from Windows or Linux
Posted 15 years ago
dylan.eiler says:
Mine stopped working as well - in both Chrome and in Firefox.
It's weird, its like it doesn't exist. There is no longer a tasks tab in the gmail settings.
Posted 15 years ago
mickeypr says:
I have the same thing. Cannot load RTM for Gmail on BOTH Firefox 3.6 and Chrome!
Posted 15 years ago
joel.remigio says:
No RTM as of today 1/23. Gmail version: 14295598.
Posted 15 years ago
mcouture says:
Having the same problem since 1/23. Filed report as well.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

#alert(GLOBALS[2]) shows 14295598 for GMail version.
Posted 15 years ago
bboyce says:
Mine has died too, tried disabling labs, Stylish, extensions, etc. etc. etc. no luck. No tasks tab but the javascript gives me version 14244305.
Posted 15 years ago
steve23606 says:
Same problem here, GMail version 14295598. Firefox 3.6.
Posted 15 years ago
adrian.nation says:
ditto: 14295598
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Same problem on Firefox 3.5.7, Gmail version 14295598.
Posted 15 years ago
scott.sgizmo says:
yep same problem with 14295598

Posted 15 years ago
fullrg says:
today, RTM is back again !!
... maybe because gmail version is also back to 14155931 !
Posted 15 years ago
joel.remigio says:
RTM returned to my Gmail page today. But my Gmail version has also gone back to 14155931.
Posted 15 years ago
mcouture says:
RTM returned yesterday (01/25) for me too. RTM is broken again with today's version, which is 14350097.
Posted 15 years ago
dogugotw says:
Just installed RTM from RTM so latest version.
Gmail @ version 14155931
Firefox 3.5.7
Ubuntu 9.10
I created an RTM account and added a couple of bogus tasks.

In Gmail, RTM is in the task bar. Click login and login in a new tab. After login, I'm returned to the gmail tab. No tasks are displayed, just the login request. Hit the 'refresh' button, nothing happens.
I don't have any other extensions loaded that relate to RTM. I'm not running greasemonkey. I run NoScripts but have authorized both gmail and rtm. I disabled NoScripts, no joy.
Multiple browser restarts.

Very confused...
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
dogugotw, does this happen in safe mode?
Posted 15 years ago
cris.schwartz says:
Google Calendar cannot load RTM calendar for past 24 hours. Running Gmail version 14155931.
Posted 15 years ago
dogugotw says:

I launched in safe mode and the extension doesn't even load. (no options selected when I launched).
Posted 15 years ago
dogugotw says:

FWIW, in safe mode, I can't turn on tasks in FF (may be missing something but I don't see any place to turn on tasks).
Posted 15 years ago
fullrg says:
broken again ! - Gmail 14347794
Posted 15 years ago
rob.grayson says:
RTM FF add-on for Gmail stopped working today. Just disappeared. As did the "Tasks" tab in Gmail settings. I used your funky bit of javascript to check the Gmail version no: 14347794.
Posted 15 years ago
soliman says:
Same as fullrg... (same version and same problem) [FF 3.6 here]
Posted 15 years ago
joel.remigio says:
Broken again (no sidebar, no Tasks tab in Settings).
Gmail version 14347794
Posted 15 years ago
paulaloop says:
I just started having this issue this morning. No RTM showing up in Gmail and no tasks tab in settings. It's like it doesn't exist, except in my FF addons menu. I am also on Gmail version 14347794. Everything was fine yesterday.
Posted 15 years ago
davehenning says:
Just adding my +1 for not working...

Posted 15 years ago
daniel.nelson.vitsoe says:
I have the same issue.

I can't find my Gmail version - I'm using Google Apps. It worked up until a recent Mozilla update. I want it back, I'm lost with it.
Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:

Where has "Tasks" in Gmail gone? Missing from Settings. This sounds like bad, bad news for RTM's gmail integration.

matt.honeycutt says:

My Remember The Milk also stopped working. There's no mention of "Tasks" anywhere in Gmail anymore. I tried the javascript above, and it says my version is 14295598.

Posted at 10:31pm on January 22, 2010

Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:
My Gmail version, using the Javascript code, is: 14347794
Posted 15 years ago
plantwebdesign says:
I am having similar issues to the posters above. I am currently trialling the RTM set up and if I can get it to integrate nicely with google calendar it will tick all the boxes for me and I for one will be going pro.

Here's hoping the gremlins are squashed and this gets fixed in the next wee while.
Posted 15 years ago
aleem.sunderji says:
broken for me too.

no "Tasks" in GMail settings, and RTM sidebar is gone.

GMail version 14347794.
Posted 15 years ago
chriskanan says:
Any update on this issue? On some days it is working for me, but most of the time it hasn't worked on any of my machines. I've tried clearing firefox's cache, etc.

I apparently rely on this extension a lot more than I thought, because I've been terribly disorganized this week.
Posted 15 years ago
david.hornor says:
Yup. RTM seems to be unavaiable. On the other hand, My "More Actions" Button in Gmail no longer does anything. Maybe there is a connection?
Posted 15 years ago
emily.gaddy says:
ugh...mine is not working now. i'm going to forget the milk, i just know it!!
Posted 15 years ago
gkalsi says:
Same issue as everybody else in the thread. Same version of Gmail as well (14347794). Broke this morning.
Posted 15 years ago
jennts says:
My Gmail version is 14347794. RTM disappeared yesterday for me.
Posted 15 years ago
mehardin says:
same version, same problem as gkalsi and jennts
Posted 15 years ago
tom.dalrymple says:
Same problems as david.hornor. Version is 14347794, "More Actions" button doesn't work, RTM doesn't appear, and there's no Tasks under Settings.

This is happening with two different computers.
Posted 15 years ago
adproduction says:
on a mac with firefox, mine stopped yesterday, 27/Jan/10.
Gmail version: 14347794
Cant figure out why as i didnt change anything in my setup to disrupt RTM. Tried disabling, reinstalling, re-enabling, etc etc. Nothing works...
Posted 15 years ago
tomocoop says:
Yep, same here, rtm's nowhere to be seen...
Posted 15 years ago
steeeeeve says:
Still not working for me and now the "More Actions" button has stopped working too. Very annoying because there's no other way of marking items as unread. Turning off RTM for gmail fixes the problem, though.
Posted 15 years ago
ahartley says:
Gmail version 14347794; RTM disappeared a couple of days ago. Also noticed the "More Actions" button in gmail isn't working either.
Posted 15 years ago
nemtynakht says:
+1 for not working at all, as of a couple of days ago.
Also running Gmail version 14347794.
Posted 15 years ago
tomocoop says:
A status report from RTM would be helpful, especially to Pro users!?
Posted 15 years ago
phil822 says:
Stopped working for me today
Tried a reinstall of the RTM add-on but still RTM nowhere to be seen
Posted 15 years ago
rj.h says:
Same here for 2 days. No RTM and "More Actions" no longer working.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
14347794 is not supported yet.
Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:
As a temporary workaround: Has anyone tried e-mailing gmail email to RTM? This works, I know, but can one assign TAGs via this procedure? How?
Posted 15 years ago
peter.mcnellis says:
I have the exact same problem as 'ahartley' and am also using Gmail version 14347794 ... RTM disappeared a few days ago and Gmail's "More Actions" button also isn't working. When running Firefox Ver 3.6 Error Console and clicking on the "More Actions" button, I get the error: "a is null" and "" Seems like RTM is messing up Gmail functionality.

RTM Tech engineers, PLEASE FIX SOON!!! Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
fullrg says:
For those who still want to see their tasks from the Gmail page, you can add the RTM Google Gadget ...
with it you can't link to contact or mail (as far as I have seen), nevertheless you can add/update tasks and keep an eye on what is comming !
Posted 15 years ago
unbridled1 says:
Same problem. No tasks, no sidebar, and More Actions has nothing.
Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:
It'd be helpful to have someone from RTM join this discussion. Just sayin'.
Posted 15 years ago
russ.thau says:
Stopped working for me yesterday as well.....I miss it.
Posted 15 years ago
jbeez41 says:
+1. mine disappeared a few days ago.
Posted 15 years ago
wahoobdw says:
Same here .. stopped working a couple of days ago. Nothing from RTM?
Posted 15 years ago
dylan.eiler says:
same here
Posted 15 years ago
thott says:
Not 100% sure if that version is correct as I do not have the tasks menu anymore. But in javascript source globals I see version 14347794.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
My Remember The Milk also stopped working. There's nothing on the right side any longer. I tried the javascript above, and it says my version is 14347794. Firefox 3.5.7 on this computer. RTM does not work on any of the three computers I regularly use.
Posted 15 years ago
umangjaipuria says:
Firefox 3.6
GMail version: 14347794

RTM FF extension not working for me too.

RTM folks - instead of curtly pointing us to a page that lists all obsolete GMail versions that are supported, it would be nice to know whether you're on it, and when we can expect this issue fixed. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Broken. No sidebar. "More Actions" inoperative.
Gmail version 14347794
FF 3.5.7
Disabling the RTM extension makes the More Actions
functional again.
Posted 15 years ago
eric.flagel says:
Not working for me either.
Posted 15 years ago
bugsie says:
Same here. Using version 14347794. It would be very helpful if the trick mentioned in this log with the Javascript could be mentioned in the versions RTM page too. Without knowing how to check Gmail version the aforementioned page is nowhere near as helpful as it could/should be.

The current instructions for checking the version rely on the RTM add-in actually working and I suspect most people are only on that page when it doesn't work...

Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
It's looking like Google has rolled out version "14347794" to many Gmail accounts; we need to update our extension to support this version of Gmail.

Unfortunately, we're yet to be able to access this version of Gmail from any of our test accounts (and we have a lot of them!). Without access to this particular version, we can't develop our fix. :(

We're waiting for Gmail to roll out this version to everybody, and as soon as that happens we'll work to support this Gmail version as quickly as possible.

We'll post any updates on our Gmail status page.

Thanks for your patience, everyone!
Posted 15 years ago
katecompany says:
Please, please, please fix this issue as soon as you can............I have already "Forgotten the Milk" on too many things. Sad, but true. Help!!!
Posted 15 years ago
jr78 says:
Thanks emily, for the statement.

For me as well, since a few days the RTM sidebar has disappeared.

OS X 10.6.2
FF 3.6
GM 14347794

Good luck with the fix! Looking forward SOOO MUCH to use the plugin again.

Thanks from Germany,
Posted 15 years ago
umangjaipuria says:
Thanks for the update.
Perhaps you could try contacting the GMail team and ask them to include your test accounts as the first set of accounts for any new versions?
Posted 15 years ago
jtellison says:
"Still not working for me and now the "More Actions" button has stopped working too. Very annoying because there's no other way of marking items as unread."

I'm having this exact issue too. Mine was working fine until I enabled right side chat. RTM disappeared. I disabled right side chat (disabled chat entirely, actually) and still nothing. My gmail is version 14347794 too.

Really looking forward to getting my RTM back. : )
Posted 15 years ago
stoweboyd says:
14347794 has killed me too.

I recommend that others consider using the RTM mobile bookmarklet. I can create new tasks, tag them, access older tasks, etc. I can even get the URL of gmail emails.
Posted 15 years ago
dylan.eiler says:
I'm also having the "More Actions" issue in addition to the RTM not showing up at all. That is the "More Actions" drop down will not drop down.

I hope this gets fixed soon! Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
bfsinger says:
Sidebar has disappeared for me as well
Posted 15 years ago
mickeypr says:
Same here - no RTM on Gmail anymore!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
So frustrating, no one seems to know anything, I complained to RTM and Gmail, its definitely Gmails fault though. Google's motto used to be 'Do No Evil' much for that.
Posted 15 years ago
derek.conjar says:

If you haven't acquired access to Gmail account version 14347794, I can setup a new account for you through Google Apps. Just let me know.

I'm using Firefox 3.5.7 and Gmail version 14347794. No sidebar, no settings tab, no nothing.
Posted 15 years ago
rusharound says:
I hate you 14347794 for what you're doing to my friends Bob and Emily... ...and all of us!

Keep up the hard work you "two" - we appreciate it.

Standing by....
Posted 15 years ago
jebworks says:
As others have mentioned, sidebar has disappeared and More Actions doesn't open without me having installed any new add-ons. I'm getting increasingly frustrated with this happening all too often. Don't have the time to test and re-load add-ons for hours just to find out what might cause issues.
Posted 15 years ago
chasiubow says:
omg! This needs to be fixed!!!! Will someone tweet Gmail or something?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
me too, tried many of the above fixes, was thinking about going PRO because I love it so much but it wouldn't solve this problem. Isn't there another add on for RTM? I like this one best from what I had tried but something more stable might balance something less functional.
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've at last been able to access this and determine what's going wrong -- unfortunately it's an issue with the Gmail/Greasemonkey API that stops the add-on from loading.

The issue has been introduced with the latest version of Gmail's code; we've reported the issue to Google, and they're looking into it.

Unfortunately we rely on this API to be able to load Remember The Milk in Gmail, and without it the add-on doesn't work. :(

I've posted an update on the status blog and will update that post (and this topic) as soon as we have any news.

Fingers crossed that Google will fix this soon!
Posted 15 years ago
pjpw says:
Emily quote
"In the meantime, if you’d like to access your Remember The Milk tasks in Gmail, you might be interested in trying the Remember The Milk Gadget for Gmail Labs, which doesn’t rely on this API."

I referred to this option in an earlier post above. Can this gadget not be further developed to enhance it and bring it closer to what the RTM add-on provides but still without the reliance on the API?

Peter Wills
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
awesome. i was wondering what happened. thanks for figuring this out!!
Posted 15 years ago
jebworks says:
Note to Google: Do no evil, also means not messing with APIs enabling Remember The Milk - It's an essential business tool......!
Posted 15 years ago
eric.flagel says:
I use RTM for gmail about 30-50 times a day. THIS IS KILLING ME!!!
Posted 15 years ago
pjpw says:
Reliance on Developers' API's is always a risky process as there are no iron clad guarantees for smaller downstream developers who want to develop applications to link into to a universal product like GMail.

All the risk is borne by the downstream developers who are more at risk of losing business as a result of broken application interfaces compared to a behemoth like Google.

There is no easy answer for this scenario unless a smaller developer is able to develop their own multi faceted application from scratch and I guess that is how Google started in the first place!

Peter Wills

Posted 15 years ago
terrychangchina says:
YES, the same problem here in China, doesn't work with Gmail right now.
I'm using FIREFOX.
Posted 15 years ago
abcnews says:
I typed #alert(GLOBALS[2]) in the address bar to find out my gmail version this morning, and then gmail just worked normal til just now and the error sign is "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies."

What should I do now?

Posted 15 years ago
tamar says:
Thanks for the update, Emily. Hopefully it will work again soon. I am so dependent on this addon!
Posted 15 years ago
tutunmayan says:
upgraded to FF 3.6 and not working :(
Posted 15 years ago
jpcarp says:
RTM FF plugin no longer works for me either in Gmail, I will check for updates daily!
Posted 15 years ago
fungrim says:
I'm on yet another version, 14419919, with the same problems.
Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:
>eric.flagel Pro says:
>I use RTM for gmail about 30-50 times a day. THIS IS KILLING ME!!!
>Posted at 10:32pm on February 1, 2010

Exactly. Here's what I've been doing. Forwarding Gmail to RTM with the appropriate tagging on the subject line; then using RTM's Web interface in another Firefox window. This is a clumsy way to accomplish the mission, and, like Eric, I'm not a happy camper.

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I now have a new version of gmail:14419919
(FF 3.5.7, Mac OS 10.5.8).
The good news is that the "More Actions" pulldown menu
is now working with the RTM Extension for GM enabled.
The bad news is that the sidebar is still missing in action.
Posted 15 years ago
rebonuk says:
I'm running Mac OSX 10.5.8 with Firefox 3.5.7 GTB6 and Gmail 14419919. Gadget is working but not the Firefox extension which puts RTM on the right hand side.

This is killing me! :(
Posted 15 years ago
christopher.krauskopf says:
I am a new RTM user, and switched primarily because of the promise of gmail integration. I wish I had read this page before switching all my tasks and buying a pro account!!!! Here are my details, I hope this is resolved soon.

gmail: 14419919 which is not listed as either supported or not on the RTM for gmail status page
FF: 3.5.7
Mac OS 10.5.8

After installing the RTM plugin for the first time the sidebar appear did not appear. I uninstalled several other plugins, reinstalled RTM, cleared cache and cookies, restarted firefox more times than I can remember, and still no dice.
Posted 15 years ago
anna.rokina says:
Another one for gmail version 14419919, neither supported nor listed
Posted 15 years ago
photomarg says:
Adding my +1 for version 14419919; sidebar not there, integration with gmail not working. This has been going on for a week or so. The sidebar on the left is there, with tasks, so that's something, but I really need the feature to turn an email into a task. Also the "task" tab under "settings" has disappeared.
Posted 15 years ago
jvmfazenda says:
It is not clear if it was a new rev of gmail or of RTM that caused the problem, but I feel it will be a great loss if we never get back this Firefox extension.

This was really one of the most useful and easy to use tools I have ever seen. Let's hope Google and RTM manage to sort this out.
Posted 15 years ago
binh.pok says:
Me too-- been about a week. Please make this work again. This was the perfect system for tasking. Gmail version: 14480379
Posted 15 years ago
eric.flagel says:

Any idea how long we could be w/out Gmail support?

AND, when we get it, do we go to: tools/add-ons/find updates?
Posted 15 years ago
sbelkin1 says:
It's killing me. the Firefox add-on is far superior to the widget. I live by it. I also use Black Canvas for email signatures and that is also down. Two awesome add-ons gone. They get ya hooked and then do this? I definitely need a fix. Please figure out the problem!
Posted 15 years ago
hilton.kean.jones says:
Sames issues for me with both Chrome and Firefox. Has been happening since early January. I've finally given up on ever having it integrated into gmail. Thankfully, the gadget in iGoogle still works. I just use that and RTM's site, but I sure do miss the integrated version.
Posted 15 years ago
zach978 says:
I am now worthless without the Gmail plugin :(
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
We'll keep you posted (on our status blog, rtmstatus on Twitter, or here in the forums). It should be an automatic update (like when most Gmail versions are released), but we'll have details when we have the updated add-on.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Any updates on this, Emily? It's been a LONG few weeks without the GMail app...
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I told my boss today that I forgot about this simple task I was supposed to do this morning because my online Gmail add-on isn't working because Gmail updated their code and the add-on folks can't seem to code for the change.

She simply said, "we'll that what you get with freeware." Needless to say, I looked like an idiot.

RTM, my faith is waning.

Gmail, stop being evil. Open you code for add-on developers.
Posted 15 years ago
jim.kring says:
I'm dying without gmail + RTM integration... help! (the gadget doesn't work as nicely)
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You may want to set up reminders (email, IM, etc.) which will continue to work even if the add-on is not.
Posted 15 years ago
rusharound says:
At least we know what's been causing the problem: Google Buzz!!!.

I hope their public disclosure means they can get the API functioning again.
Posted 15 years ago
game_ender says:
I believe this is the bug tracking page for this issue:

This is a problem in third party code though, *not gmail*, just code which uses gmail javascript. The RTM developers could step up and fix the third party library they are using, or they could just continue to wait for the fix...
Posted 15 years ago
trentono says:
I'm hoping now that Google has gotten this Buzz brouhaha out in the open, they'll let you work with the new Gmail code to fix this stuff up for us?
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We haven't heard anything more from Google, but the launch of Buzz may have been holding up their fix (i.e., they couldn't change Gmail's code until Buzz launched).

game_ender, the Gmail Greasemonkey API is not third party code, it was developed by Google and is part of Gmail itself. Unfortunately we have no control over Gmail's code, so we just have to wait patiently for their fix. :(
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thanks for the update, emily. Hopefully after the finish the launch of Buzz over the next few days they'll update greasemonkey.
Posted 15 years ago says:
I have to say, not having gmail integration really sucks and is making me rethink my "trusted system". Not blaming RTM, just saying...
Posted 15 years ago
maria.elmvang says:
I have the same problem - my version is 14480379 which doesn't seem to be listed on the status blog.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
andrewski says: "You may want to set up reminders (email, IM, etc.) which will continue to work even if the add-on is not."

Thank you, not sure why the Reminders tab is in the Settings and not on the Tasks pane, but that will work until the third party code is updated.

Posted 15 years ago
rusharound says:
Emily - I know you're taking it on the chin from all of us frustrated RTM users. Please don't forget how much we appreciate all you do.

We know you want this fixed too.

No reply necessary.
Posted 15 years ago
jayedgar says:
I look forward to being able to use the RTM plugin for Gmail--I learned about it a week ago or so. Here's hoping Google does their part soon!
Posted 15 years ago
cjelsa says:
Same problem here for the last few weeks. The javascript thing returned version: 14563985 which is not yet on the status update list.

Please keep on posting updates on this issue.
Posted 15 years ago
sandodd says:
The Firefox Addon was the single best way to use RTM. I haven't known a better UI for this service and a getter integration with Gmail. The 'labs' integrations simply doesn't cut it.

But this drop in service since mid Jan is simply too long. It is more than a month since I started having trouble with this Addon.

Any expected timeline when this till be fixed? Probably you should think of adding all the feaures into the Gmail Labs plugin, rather than having to do this dance with Google everytime they update thier API. Providing no versioning capability with thier API is simply wrong on Google' part.
Posted 15 years ago
contactsonya says:
Same problem for past couple of days. Became RTM pro specifically for the gmail functionality. Very disappointed this isn't working.
Posted 15 years ago
chris.varin says:
I'm having the same issue. I just switched to Macbook Pro from PC so assumed this was some kind of works on PC but not Mac issue. Accordingly, I was actually pleased to find this thread because I can now assume it's more of a pervasive problem and I know the good RTM folks will work it out. They always do.

Firefox version 3.6
Mac OSX Snow Leopard
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I am running version 14563985, too. It is not on the status update list. Please make note that this version is not operating either.
Posted 15 years ago
jeffhammett says:
Any update on this Remember the Milk people? I know it's mostly out of your control, but this has been down almost a month, and there hasn't been any posts by RTM employees for nearly a week.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:

The RTM FF extension just started to work again.
Seems fully functional.
Thanks Bob!
GM 14563985
FF 3.5.7
MacOS 10.5.8
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
And my eyes lit up as a miracle had occurred for I had the simple prophesy of what needed to be done tomorrow. A weight falling from my shoulders with a sigh of relief in my breathe nay an audible moan of salvation came forth. I would sleep well, freed from the burden of memory, released from the torture of fret. The two words echoed as I drifted off...thank you...thank you...tha...
Posted 15 years ago
eric.flagel says:
It works!
Posted 15 years ago
fibonaccifreak says:
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Whew, it's back! See this post for more details.

Some quick notes:
- Version "14563985" is currently supported. If you have a newer version, let us know.
- The extension won't work with the Dev channel version of Chrome, unfortunately; please use the Stable (or at least Beta) version of this browser.
Posted 15 years ago
coachjan says:
It's back !!!
Posted 15 years ago
fungrim says:
It's back, on version 14419919! Hallelujah. Good work to all at RTM for fixing this *and* keeping us informed along the way!
Posted 15 years ago
drhgupta says:
Thanks RTM for sorting out the firefox extension- lifes back on track again!
Posted 15 years ago
rebonuk says:
Amazing, thanks RTM team! If it stays stable for a while longer I'll be upgrading to pro.
Posted 15 years ago
dan.quigan says:
working again now, on 14563985.

Many thanks RTM
Posted 15 years ago
jr78 says:
Good to see that there is a fix.

But somehow it's not working for me yet.

Anything I have to install / re-install / de-install???

ff: 3.6
gmail: 14563985
greasemonkey: 08.20100211.5
rtm: 1.0.4

I'd be thankful for any hint...

Posted 15 years ago
sempersecurus says:
I don't see a "Tasks" in the menu bar for my Gmail settings, only the "Tasks" selection on the left menu pane. Clicking that just brings up a box to enter a GMail task.

I've installed, uninstalled, and re-installed the RTM plugin, and I still can't see anything resembling RTM in GMail, let alone a "Tasks" selection in "Settings"
Posted 15 years ago
ellisbooker says:
Praise the lord. The Firefox extension for Gmail is working again. Thanks, thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
THANK YOU! It's is back to normal!
Posted 15 years ago
rusharound says:
Thanks for getting this working.
Posted 15 years ago
steve23606 says:
Not working for me either - same spec as above

ff: 3.6
gmail: 14563985
greasemonkey: 08.20100211.5
rtm: 1.0.4
Posted 15 years ago
steve23606 says:
It only works if your display language is set to English (US).

If your language is set to anything else, it's still broken.
Posted 15 years ago
steve23606 says:
... and the tasks aren't wrapping either. I'm sure they did before.
Posted 15 years ago
game_ender says:
It appears to be working for me now as well!

@emily Sorry about the confusion on the greasmonkey API. I would figure a company as sophisticated as Google would have an automated test suite for this, so that a version of gmail wouldn't get released that breaks it.
Posted 15 years ago
rhauer says:
Working for me on one computer but not the other. How can that be.
Posted 15 years ago
jr78 says:
@ steve23606:

Thanks for that hint concerning "English (US)" ... Mine was set to "English (UK)" ... I switched it to US - now it's appearing again.

But I agree with you, steve, Task texts are not wrapping. And yes, they did before... so still some css-fixing missing.

Posted 15 years ago
berrigan says:
I am using Firefox on a Mac, and I was able to retrieve my RTM add-on by going to the bottom of the main page in Gmail and clicking "turn off Buzz." As soon as I did that, RTM returned! So pleased. A good workaround until RTM can adapt to the new API.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
steve23606 says:
It only works if your display language is set to English (US).
If your language is set to anything else, it's still broken.

As mentioned on our Troubleshooting page: "This feature is currently only supported in the US English version of Gmail."

Also, keep in mind that the dev version (some versions of 5.*) of Google Chrome won't work, even if you have the supported Gmail version of 14563985.
Posted 15 years ago
gkalsi says:
This is rather peculiar. RTM for Gmail came back for a day and now it's gone again. My Gmail version is 14619633 which is not listed on the status page as supported or unsupported. Is it possible that Google pushed out a new version of Gmail that broke the extension again?
Posted 15 years ago
steve23606 says:
Behaving strangely all of a sudden here too running 14619633.

Displays ok until you view an email, where it sits uncomfortably over the sponsored ads and obscures a few of the email options such as "New Window", "Print All", "Expand All" and "Forward All".

Much as I love RTM For Gmail, if it's going to break every few days then it's virtually unusable :-(
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yep, it was back, and now it's gone again.
Posted 15 years ago
mfpwork says:
My RTM for Gmail is working again. I just wanted to say thanks a LOT to those that fixed it. It makes RTM much easier to keep up with.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
14619633 is now supported.
Posted 15 years ago
diane.curewitz says:
Did the same things as reported by Steve23606 but closing gmail and reopening seemed to cure that. Did sit on top of the sponsored ads (which I didn't mind a bit),but has stopped that now too.
Thanks for the fix! Keep up the good work, and don't get bored if things stay working for a while.
Posted 15 years ago
jpcarp says:
I can confirm also that it was working.. and then not working :(
Posted 15 years ago
hiroyuki1965 says:
It DOES work in English, bud DOES NOT work in Japanese.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
As mentioned on our Troubleshooting page, this feature is currently only supported in the US English version of Gmail. Sorry!
Posted 15 years ago
diane.curewitz says:
First the gmail screen disaggregated when RTM opened up; tried rebooting, tried logging out of RTM, then finally disabled the add-on and now gmail doesn't work at all. So I don't know if it's gmail or RTM that's causing the problem
Posted 15 years ago
diane.curewitz says:
gmail came back, I reinstalled the Firefox add-on and now its working again, but who knows for how long?
Posted 15 years ago
phil822 says:
Just started working for me again.
So good to see it back :-)
Thank you
Posted 15 years ago
arvinda01 says:
Yup, just started working for me as well! Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Gmail devs are working away again; my version is currently 14660723, and it gives problems with the extension again...
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
14660723 is now supported.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
phil822 says:
It's stopped working again for me :-(
Posted 15 years ago
jeffmacishere says:
I've disabled all Labs (and have confirmed on the "Tasks" page that my version of gmail IS supported) cleared the cache and restarted firefox, and the extension still doesn't work.

When I first go into gmail, I see the whichever list was last loaded, and it looks fine. When I switch to another list, it indicates "No tasks." Even when I switch back to the list that I started on (the one that looked fine when I first opened gmail) it now says "No Tasks" as well.

The "refresh" link on the RTM piece doesn't do anything at all. Doesn't seem like it even registers a click.

Also, upon adding a task, I get a notification that it has been added, but it doesn't show up on the list, and when I go to RTM directly, it has not been added.

Refreshing the page works for viewing the lists, but still has no effect on the adding problem.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Which Gmail version do you have?
Posted 15 years ago
jeffmacishere says:
Quick update to my last post: When I attempted to add a task to a list, it DID add the test tasks that I tried -- but it added them to the Inbox, not the list I was currently on at the time. I apologize for any confusion.

All of the other behavior is as I described it above.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I've disabled Buzz, but still not working for me. Without the tasks link in my settings, how can I find out what version of Gmail I'm currently using? Is there a URL to display the version?
I'm really missing my RTM Tasks, and hoping for a fix in the near future. In the mean time I'm limping along w/the sidebar gadget.
Posted 15 years ago
sosnowsk says:
I can still see the gadget in gmail, but it is telling me I have no tasks in the inbox even though I am logged in and have plenty of tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Version 14660723
As of this morning:
Extension displays on right side -- fine
Lists will not display, though

*set labs to 0
*disabled all extensions
*reinstalled RTM extension

Still not working

Posted 15 years ago
phil822 says:
Hi andrewski

My Version: 14660723
Still not working...

Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Gmail: 14660723
It stopped working for me today.
Then I realized that FF upgraded itself
to 3.5.7 and it looks as if the upgrade either
did not reinstall or deleted the RTM extension.
When I reinstalled the extension it seemed to work.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Make that FF upgraded itself to 3.5.8.
Posted 15 years ago
phil822 says:
Gmail: 14660723 (on google apps)
Firefox: 3.5.8

Reinstalled RTM extension
Disabled my other extensions
Restarted... but still not working
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
The RTM ext does not show in my Gmail, not even in the settings page. I have become a bird with no wings!

- WIN XP Pro SP3
- FF 3.6
- Gmail 14660723 (is supported by RTM extension)

I have:
- disabled *all* extensions
- labs=0
- re-installed RTM extension
- rebooted my system
- gone away for a cup of coffee...

What to try next?
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
jebworks says:
The lack of the "create task" feature is becoming an almost weekly occurrence now. It's a rare day when I don't have to waste all this time re-starting FF, enabling, disabling extensions, clearing caches etc.
It is getting really annoying to have RTM messed up so often.
Posted 14 years ago
jebworks says:
As noted elsewhere, the right side menu stays when a message is opened covering the ads (which I don't mind!) but it's a sign of RTM not working properly again.
Posted 14 years ago
jebworks says:
Running GMail version 14733172 which, now that the Tasks tab is back in settings, after having disappeared, I read is not supported. Hope it will be soon......!
Posted 14 years ago
pocketbikemike says:
is back up an running now?

Pocket Bikes
Posted 14 years ago
mattfreer says:
I installed this yesterday and it worked fine. Today it is not working and gmail says I am running version 14733172 which is not supported.

Anyway round this?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
pocketbikemike, it depends on your Gmail version; check our status page for more information.
Posted 14 years ago
phil822 says:
It's just started working again on my laptop, but on my desktop (wide screen monitor) I had to disable it because it scrambled the gmail page so badly I couldn't see any of my emails.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
GM: 14733172
RTM sidebar is present.
Tasks absent from GM settings.
Cannot add task from GM via star or menu.

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I am having the same problem. Create tasks will not work in Firefox 3.5.8; the create tasks text has vanished from selection list. RTM pane hides ads (fine with me, too) on right when email is open.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
alan.mackworth, thanks for letting us know about 14733172.
Posted 14 years ago
shekala says:
When I add a task via the Gmail extension, it duplicates the entry. In other words, two identical tasks show up. Any idea how to fix the issue?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
GM: 14733172
now works for me in FF after
clearing the cache.
Thanks again, Bob!
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, 14733172 is now supported.

shekala, if you have further problems, if you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Posted 14 years ago
coachjan says:
rtm stopped working again, GM: 14857395
Posted 14 years ago
rob.snow says:
Version 14857395 is not supported as of this morning on gmail for a domain.
Posted 14 years ago
tom.dalrymple says:
RTM not working for me, with two different computers. Als running version 14857395, show "Supported" on the Tasks Settings page.
Posted 14 years ago
tom.dalrymple says:
Cancel my previous post. Somehow RTM had collapsed into a thin white vertical bar. Clicking it expanded RTM, and now it's working fine.
Posted 14 years ago
tracyull says:
yeah it's working!!! now I can use it again!!
Posted 14 years ago
hieysk says:
Broken with version "14857395".
Clearing the browser cache fixes the issue, but only briefly. When you close and restart Firefox the issue comes back.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Broken with version 15017305.

Really miss my RTM!
Posted 14 years ago
ronaldhause says:
Task due dates cannot be updated for Gmail version "14995221" using the RTM Gmail Addon on Google Chrome for Mac. Would there happen to be a fix for this issue that I've missed in this forum? Thanks!
Posted 14 years ago
coachjan says:
RTM stopped working again (3 or 4 times this year). I'm a big fan and user of RTM and Gmail. I use this app daily, so it's very important that i can rely on it.
Is it possible to find a structural sollution to this problem?


PS: my gmail version is 14995221
Posted 14 years ago
tom.dalrymple says:
Busted again... Gmail verstion 14995221. RTM loads on right side of screen, but then message list display is corrupted. Have to reload page once or twice to get message list to display correctly. Starring an email doesn't create a task.
Posted 14 years ago
aleem.sunderji says:
What coachjan said (but slightly grumpier). I know it's not Bob T. Monkey's fault, but I am fed up of Gmail ****ing up the RTM extension every 2 weeks.

Can they not understand that users need stability? Why don't they allow us to opt-in for their upgrades at a time of our choosing, instead of forcing them on us?

Shouldn't they notify 3rd party vendors that integrate with GMail (like RTM) of upcoming upgrades, and give those vendors ample time and opportunity to test their software with the new version BEFORE rolling it out?

In the end, it's us users who get screwed by their approach, and if they're trying to get people to pay for GMail, this is not the right way.

If anyone ran the I/T systems in a large company this way, pissing off thousands of users on a regular basis, they wouldn't keep their job more than a month.

Can you imagine if your OS automatically did major upgrades to itself at random and unpredictable intervals, breaking many of your installed apps in the process, and there was nothing you could do to stop it?

Yeah, Google/GMail has got some great features, but they have a stunning lack of understanding of what professional/business users need.

We pay for the Enterprise version of Google Apps, and I thought (maybe naively) that requests like this might be given some consideration from Google. All I got was an "I'll pass that on to our developers", but of course no commitment to follow up with us, or keep us informed of any decisions on the issue.

I guess that's what I should expect from a company that is happy to help the Chinese government censor the internet in order to make a few bucks, and publishes books online without buying the licensing rights.

Sorry, this has become a bit of an unhelpful rant. I feel better though. ;)

Keep up the good work Bob and Emily...I hope I'll be able to keep using RTM...
Posted 14 years ago
hbridge says:
The frequent extension breakage is really a nuisance. Any way you'd consider doing something lighter-weight (but less error-prone) like what Todoist does with their bookmarklet? I don't need the fancy "star to turn into a task" function, I'd be happy if you add a special "add to RTM" button in an email message if that's easer to keep stable.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You may find that the Gmail gadget fits this bill.Gmail gadget.

If you want a bookmarklet, check out our Quick Add service or a user-shared method of using the mobile site as a bookmarklet.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
coachjan says:
working again!
Posted 14 years ago
coachjan says:
I'm getting desperate, a new version of Gmail again: 15016801

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:

same problem
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
cancel last post, found the "thinwhite vertical bar" comment and that solved it
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
ok so i can see my task list but the tasks option in settings doesnt show up and i cant add an email to tasks, either by starring it or through the more actions dialogue
Posted 14 years ago
hbridge says:
Thanks for the post Andrewski, but neither the Gmail gadget nor the bookmarklet provide the critical functionality I want, which is to turn an email into a task in a way I can navigate back to the email easily after I've archived it.

I actually modified the bookmarklet (according to instructions on another forum post) to include the URL of the page I'm on. I thought that way, I could navigate to an email message, then use the bookmarklet to create a task with the URL of the message. The problem is, RTM seems to break URLs at the instance of a '#' character, which gmail uses (see this screenshot If you could fix this then I could use the bookmarklet as a workaround when the star to create task functionality is broken.
Posted 14 years ago
hbridge says:
Actually, scratch that, it's the presence of an '@' symbol that causes the URL to break, so if you can fix that bug please, I can use the bookmarklet!
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
hbridge, thanks for letting us know; I've added that to our list to investigate.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
When will this be fixed? This has been nearly two weeks now. I rely on rtm across gmail/iPhone/pc and this is incredibly frustrating!!!!

If it regularly fails it loses much of its value. I understand about using the gadget but that is in my opinion a workaround, not a solution.

I apologize in advance if my frustration shows through.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Working again! Thanks for the fix!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
RTM stopped working in gmail version: 15245875. Used js to get the version as the tasks tab in setup is gone.
Posted 14 years ago
cek1227 says:
Not working for me, either. Chrome or FF.
Posted 14 years ago
kanntara says:
15245875 here now too. Not working.
Posted 14 years ago
mickeypr says:
Not working in FF. Gmail version is 15245875
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Bump. Not working in FF. Gmail version is 15245875
Posted 14 years ago
vikasargod says:
Not working in FF. Gmail version is 15245875
Posted 14 years ago says:
Not working in Firefox. Maybe was crashing Firefox completely yesterday and day before? Had weirdest computer problems I've ever experienced, which were resolved by disabling. Anyway, version now is 15262976.
Posted 14 years ago says:
Um. Nevermind. I reinstalled the add-on, then forgot to re-enable it. Duh.
Posted 14 years ago says:
Ugh. Except it's not creating tasks when I star emails, so I guess it isn't working after all.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
The extension stopped working for me a few days ago. When Gmail loads I see messages in the status bar which inform me that Gmail is communicating with but the sidebar does not appear at all. I tried re-installing the extension but no-go.

Gmail version is 15519361
Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
Gmail FF extension was working fine yesterday, but failed to load this morning. No amount of refreshing, cache clearing or restarting will bring it back.

Gmail version is 15519361. As has been the case whenever the RTM has previously failed to load, the "Tasks" tab in Gmail settings has also disappeared.
Posted 14 years ago
cedear says:
Re: Rob / Siddharth

Gmail seems to have pushed a new version very soon after the last one.

RTM status page updated yesterday (May 4 10) says Gmail 15479690 is newly supported, but Gmail appears to now be on 15519361. I assume a RTM fix will be out in short order.
Posted 14 years ago
shekala says:
I have exactly the same problem.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
i am having the same problem as above using the same version of gmail - 15519361. RTM add-on in Firefox is not working and thus no task on right side. However labs add-on is, as is calendar. I have cleared cache in Firefox, disabled and enabled add-on, restarting each time and still no luck.
I also us parallels and this problem is occurring in both snow-leopard and windows 7.
please advise.
Posted 14 years ago
jr78 says:
Same here on OS X, Firefox 3.6.3, gmail 15519361... the righ rtm panel disappeared.

Pleeeze bring it back! :)

Thanks for all your work,
Posted 14 years ago
jkalven says:
I took have Gmail version 15519361 and the extension stopped working a couple days ago.
Posted 14 years ago
crankin79 says:
I am having the same problem. For the last week or two, when I loaded my Gmail, the page formatting would skew all out of proportion whenever the RTM gadget was open, so that I would have to close the gadget and reload the page.

Now, the gadget has disappeared entirely from both of my Gmail accounts. I'm running FF on a MacBook Pro, OS 10.6.3.
Posted 14 years ago
brad.rosner says:
Also having issues with gmail version 15519361. Quit out of FF by accident and when I came back no RTM pane or "Tasks" tab under Gmail Settings.
Posted 14 years ago
emddom says:
I just found out that Tasks is not under settings any more.
Please read THE long discussion about it here:

Neither is the RTM Gadget working.....
Posted 14 years ago
emddom says:
the RTM Gadget showed up after several restarts
Posted 14 years ago
jr78 says:
Working again for me!

Posted 14 years ago
ahartley says:
Gmail version: 15519361
RTM extension has not appeared in Gmail for the last three days, despite trying restarts and disabling other extensions etc.
Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
RTM extension has just reappeared on refreshing FF again. (I've been trying this every few hours for the past 36 hours.)

Gmail version: 15519361
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
mickeypr says:
Same here - RTM is dead. Gmail version 15519361
Posted 14 years ago
ahartley says:
It's started working again now!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Re: cedear

Thanks for the response. I'm posting to inform you that RTM is working again in Gmail version 15519361.
Posted 14 years ago
mickeypr says:
Not really - It is showing up but starring an email would not create a new task....
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
jluce50 says:
Not working in Gmail version 15601348 either. Just submitted an issue report...
Posted 14 years ago
mickeypr says:
version 15697087 not working...
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
i am using google apps and using vers 15697087 - which is not working btw. I have had trouble with RMT working for the last 2 weeks but mostly i never see version's of google apps even being addressed by rtm. What is the point of using this application if it does not work with google apps - i am getting v frustrated....does anyone else have this issue
Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
Gmail RTM extension was working fine yesterday. Today it won't load. Gmail version is 15697087. This is the second time this has happened in about two weeks. Hope you can fix it soon.
Posted 14 years ago
innovate81 says:
james thank you for your post. I was considering going pro but I think I have to wait... How was RTM before these 2 weeks?
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Another new version here: 15742026.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
15742026 not working
Posted 14 years ago
rkiebs says:
Same problem - no tasks tab under Gmail settings. Version 15742026
Posted 14 years ago
ellisbooker says:
Firefox extension not adding starred email as RTM task (under gmail version 15777071)

Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
Just my luck. Just as the RTM add-on was fixed for the last Gmail version, the version has changed again and I have the same problem. The add-on will not load at all under Gmail version 15742026. Also, I have had to disable the add-on completely, or it interferes with the normal working of Gmail – for example, if I read and e-mail and then try to return to the inbox, nothing happens – Gmail just stays on the same screen. If I disable the RTM add-on, Gmail works fine again.

I have submitted a Gmail issue report.
Posted 14 years ago
joel.remigio says:
For what it's worth, I've been using the same workaround for 2-3 weeks now that seems to be reliable.

My problem is that when I launch Firefox 3.6.3 (on Mac OS X 10.6.3) and then launch my Gmail Inbox, my inbox renders properly until it's time for the sidebar gadget to appear. Then the inbox renders as far to the left as it can, though the sidebar gadget is perfectly rendered.

If I clear my browser cache and refresh the page, everything goes back to normal and functions well. It hasn't seemed to matter what version of Gmail I'm on, but today's it's 15831468.

Yes, it's an annoyance, but it doesn't prevent me from using the Firefox sidebar gadget. Here's hoping for a permanent fix.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
gmail version 15831468 not working.
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
Clearing cache and refreshing isn't working for me.
OS X 10.5.8
Firefox: 3.6.3
Gmail version: 15831468
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
I have filled in a report. Last week things had worked normally at both work and home. Now things are broken in both places.

FWIW, if I log out of my Googlemail and my wife logs in to her account using the same window in the same Mac user account, my RTM pane shows up in her Googlemail window. It has done this for a while. At the moment, her Inbox is mangled in the way it displays, though. Content for the main mail pane is bunched up on the left hand side of pane, away from the RTM pane.
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
New report filed. No change.
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
There's no need to file a second report; I see your first one and will be responding today. (Long story short: it sounds like another unsupported version.)
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
Yes. 15929128

Difference between my Gmail and my wife's (same user account, same Firefox tab, for testing) remains. Her Gmail layout is back to normal with it. Hers continues to display my RTM tab when all labs are disabled (she uses only one), but using Google's escape hatch does nothing for my Gmail/RTM set up
Posted 14 years ago
cek1227 says:
No matter what I do, this extension hasn't worked for me for a couple of months now - different browsers, different OS'es. RTM still works fine at it's own URL, but just not the GMail extension.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I agree with cek1227. This has been broken for months.

I use RTM exclusively on my iPhone and through gmail. My membership is coming up for renewal and I am seriously wondering if it is worth my renewing it or looking for another solution.

Please fix this, or at the very least provide some sort of update to the community beyond "unsupported version".

This is very frustrating at this point.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Thank you! That was a fast fix for Gmail version 16115502. You guys are doing an awesome job! :)
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
I'm as cek1227 was 19 days ago. None of the recent supported newer versions of Googlemail have resulted in a working RTM add-on, for me.

I've tried disabling all Google labs (rarely to any avail). I've tried uninstalling all add-ons. For a while Hide Read Labels seemed to be a kind of (unreliable) toggle. If it was on, turning it on would make the RTM pane appear. Until things would break again, when going the other way seemed to work. It was not consistent, though.

I've filed reports in the past. Aside from spending a great deal of time uninstalling all of my add-ons and turning off all labs and reinstalling/turning on one by one, what's a guy to do?
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
My version of Googlemail is 16351913, which is supported.
I've disabled all Firefox add-ons, save for RTM.
I've disabled all Googlemail labs.
I've cleared the cache.
I've restarted the browser.
I've restarted the computer.
Firefox: 3.6.6
OS X: 10.5.8.
Black MacBook.

For the life of me, I can't sort this out. Is there some change to Gmail, Firefox, RTM, or Other that I'm missing?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Gmail issue report via our support system?

Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.

Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
Done. Again.
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
It's back this morning. No change at my end from yesterday.
Posted 14 years ago
haemoglobin says:
For the first time in months (due to unsupported gmail version) I had a working remember the milk gmail plugin, for about 2 days and it was amazing,

Now to find it broken, again :(

You are currently using Gmail version "16448137".
This version is unsupported by Remember The Milk for Gmail.

I want to cry
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
16448137 is now supported; no more tears! ;)
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
It's gone again, after refreshing the window. Logging out and back in did not remedy the problem.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Stopped working, using version 16614428
Posted 14 years ago
local.yokel says:
Some time ago, UK users were given the option of having their mail address changed from '' to ''. I hadn't bothered to make the change and I hadn't noticed that the availability of the option coincided with my problems with the RTM extension. Opting to change my address to the shorter form fixed my problem with the RTM tasks pane.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
16703835 RTM displays properly, but no Tasks option in settings, Add To Tasks opens up Google Tasks box. Anyone know the last known working gmail version?
Posted 14 years ago
paul.baker.3 says:
16744744 RTM displays properly, but no Tasks option in settings either. The task pane overlays the right side options in the email reader/editing display as well (over the text adds and expand all button, etc.) Adding tasks through the RTM task pane works properly. No idea if Starring or label auto adding works as I hadn't configured it (just installed yesterday) and cannot configure it (settings options is missing)

Hope this helps. Good luck with your coding. I am looking forward to getting a stable version with all of the functionality. RTM seems like it is the cat's pajamas. :)

BTW I am using Chrome 5.0.375.125 on Vista with all labs disabled (there were labs, but they are turned off for now)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
I just got a notice that I was getting a new version of Gmail that changed a few things, and now my RTM plugin is not working. I also have 16744744 version of Gmail.
Posted 14 years ago
paul.baker.3 says:
Yep. Just got the same notice (the new look with the Compose Email button instead of the link) RTM plugin just stopped working as well. Still on 16744744.
Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
Same as the above messages – RTM add-on stopped working today when the new-look Gmail loaded for the first time (RTM version 16744744).
Posted 14 years ago
ellisbooker says:
Don't see my RTM sidebar in the new Gmail. Starring tasks in Gmail hasn't worked for a few days.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Since I started using Gmail version 16744744, RTM disappeared as well.

Then my Chrome was automatically updated to 6.0.472.33 and the problem was fixed. Worth a try?
Posted 14 years ago
rob.grayson says:
The RTM add-on has reappeared for me this morning. In fact, I've noticed a slight change, which for me is an improvement: the RTM add-on stays visible when in a screen other than the inbox. For example, previously, it used to disappear when composing an e-mail; now it still show on the right and the width of the compose window is reduced accordingly. It even still shows when in the Gmail settings screen!
Posted 14 years ago
davemeurer says:
Glad I'm not the only one... I don't see the Tasks Settings link in version 16744744 either - and using the drop down "More Actions" > "Add to Tasks" option moves it to the Google's lame implementation of tasks.
Posted 14 years ago
davemeurer says:
The tasks link is now showing up after I do a hard refresh Ctrl+R - but it does say that 16744744 is unsupported. Looking forward to it being supported!
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Google made some rather significant changes to Gmail this week, and we're still working to get our extension fully working with this new version of Gmail. We'll post on the status page once it's fully supported -- thanks for your patience!
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Version 16813308 - tasks not displaying correctly. RTM loads ok, but task names not displayed until I roll-over them. Reported the issue to support, as well.
Posted 14 years ago
mickeypr says:
Version 17006715 not supported by RTM add on.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Version 17041720 not supported. Tasks not displaying correctly, starred messages do not generate tasks, can't access options.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Oops, it's already 17138962, still not supported
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
gmail seems to be running way faster (17219513 already) than RTM can keep up? On the RTM status page it would be nice to see what gmail version is being worked on...
Posted 14 years ago
balaji.pasumarthy says:
GMail Firefox Gadget not working is a frequent problem, I really would like creating task by starring an email function working in a dependable manner.

Now that Gmail has made it possible to make Contextual Gadgets, is the RTM team thinking of making a Gmail Contextual Gadget? That way all these features available on the Firegox gadget will become available as a gmail gadget.

Will be great to see that.

Posted 14 years ago
yosig says:
The entire tasks pane suddenly stopped appearing on my Firefox 3.6.10 even if reloaded.
It seems that the extension/plug-in is loaded when I open Gmail on Firefox, but the task pane does not appear. Also, if I reload the Settings page, the Task tab appears--even though the task pane on the Gmail imbox page still doesn't appear.
According to the Task tab of the Settings, the Gmail version is as follows:
You are currently using Gmail version "17440025".
This version is unsupported by Remember The Milk for Gmail.
Posted 14 years ago
yosig says:
yosig Pro says:

> Also, if I reload the Settings page, the Task tab appears

The above was what I always experienced on Windows XP (SP3) + Firefox 3.6.10 both at home and at the office.
However, my office PC has been renewed today with Windows 7 and now reloading the Setting page doesn't work; on my new office PC with Windows 7 + Firefox 3.6.10, even if I reload the Setting page, the Task tab does not show up (of course, the Task pane is not there, either) ;-(
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You were using an unsupported version of Gmail, so the extension will not work completely.

Incidentally, that version is now supported, so now it should work. :)
Posted 14 years ago
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