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TimeEstimate search for none entered yet

brownpresar says:
I want to do a search to check whether the timeEstimate field has a value entered so I can catch tasks where I have overlooked entering a time estimate. I do not see anything on the advanced search terms which tests the time estimate field for this -- similar to how "isLocated:true" or "isTagged:false" to test for tasks with locations or no tags entered would be used. I tried some variations like isEstimated and istimeEstimate, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas on how to do either a boolean or empty string search for null time estimates?
Posted at 6:50pm on January 10, 2010
njwilson says:
I'd like to see something like hasTimeEstimate but I don't believe anything like that exists. Use this for now:

NOT timeEstimate:"> 0"
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Try NOT timeEstimate:"> 0"

A popular query; might be time to add it to the FAQ:
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
NOT timeEstimate:">0 min" should return the tasks without time estimates as you wish.
Posted 15 years ago
benb says:
I use

NOT timeEstimate:"> 0" AND NOT timeEstimate:"0 minutes"

That way you can enter "0 mins" or "0 minutes" into tasks that really are 0 for time - ones with nothing in will show up in this search.
Posted 15 years ago
brownpresar says:
Thank you for the idea -- it worked like a charm!
Now if I could just have some more powerful sorting capabilities, I would be a happy camper. :-D
Posted 15 years ago
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