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No reminders on Hero?

offringa says:
I don't / not allways seem to be getting reminders on my HTC Hero. For example: today I had several due tasks, but saw no reminder in the notification bar.
I find the settings on de site a bit confusing, but I set them to 'Daily reminder on day that task should be completed' and 'Daily reminder on day that task should be completed for tasks with endtime' (bit confusing what is the difference. Furthermore i chose to be reminded by Twitter (those direct messages I got) and on the Hero 'Show in notification bar'.
Does anyone has a clue?
Posted at 8:58pm on December 30, 2009
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you're not receiving the reminders by Twitter either, then they aren't set properly. Reminders will only be sent for tasks with a due date and/or due time set, and will be sent as per your preferences.

See the Reminders Guide if anything remains confusing, or feel free to reply here. :)
Posted 15 years ago
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