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Smart Add - Keep Task Selected

rossgoodman says:
Is there a way to keep tasks added via smart add selected?

Whilst I love smart add, sometimes if I'm doing a brain dump I want to just enter the tasks and then give them all the same tags etc. once I am finished.

I know I can then go and "reselect" the tasks but........


Posted at 4:19pm on December 15, 2009
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Currently Smart Add and auto-select are mutually exclusive. You could turn off Smart Add to get that functionality.

But to do your kind of brain dump, maybe you could search for the tags you'd want to give the tasks (e.g. tag:christmas tag:gift tag:errand); any tasks you add in that search would automatically inherit those tags.
Posted 15 years ago
2tx.yeha says:
While we're discussing tagging, how do I create a tag for a new task while in the "<< add a new task" field? For adding a date it is as simple as typing "wash dog today" and the task appears as "wash dog" with a due date of today. Would like to do something similar for tagging. Thanks.
Posted 15 years ago
2tx.yeha says:
Just answered my own question via the Smart Add Shortcuts feature.

"wash dog today #choresihate !2" will yield the following:

Task name - "wash dog"
Due Date - [today]
Tag - "choresihate"
Priority - "2"
Posted 15 years ago
2tx.yeha says:
How do I turn Smart Add on and off? How do I turn auto select on and off?
Posted 15 years ago
dylan.eiler says:
Look in your settings
Posted 15 years ago
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