Notes Not Sync Droid to Website
aflowery says:
I am having a problem with notes. When I add notes from my droid they do not always sync with the website. This is a big problem for me. I need to know when I have added a note it updates with the website. The note remains on my droid but never shows up on the website. Is this a problem that is being worked on?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
A few questions:
1. Does refreshing manually help? Menu | Refresh will initiate that.
2. How long is the note?
3. Is the note new or are you editing an existing one?
1. Does refreshing manually help? Menu | Refresh will initiate that.
2. How long is the note?
3. Is the note new or are you editing an existing one?
aflowery says:
To andrewski (Remember The Milk):
1)Refresh does not help
2) About 12 - 15 lines
3) I was adding to the single note a little at a time and saving between entries. All over a period of 1.5 hours.
1)Refresh does not help
2) About 12 - 15 lines
3) I was adding to the single note a little at a time and saving between entries. All over a period of 1.5 hours.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Would it be possible to try splitting your note into multiple, shorter notes? I'd be curious if the text would synchronize if separated.
aflowery says:
That is what I have started doing and it seems to work well. If I have a long task I place on web site instead of phone. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think part of the problem was from saving multiple times for one note in a short time. Maybe the sync action on my phone and the web site ran into problems with the multiple saves.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I don't think that's it. Having tested, I noticed the same thing and I've added this to our list to investigate.