Inbox Confusion...
jamess2 says:
I'm wanting to attempt the Inbox Zero style of prod. but can't seem to figure out how to move items out of the inbox other than completing them or manually moving them to another list via the drop down. I saw this post ( in the forums and after setting up a smartlist whose criteria is - "tag:bills" and tagging a task in my inbox as "bills", task is now in both places, "bills" smartlist and inbox. Do i just need to ignore the tasks in the inbox if i have already processed them? That doesn't seem right or reasonable or practical for that matter.
I guess I just need a better explanation of how to get rid of tasks in the inbox outside of completing them and manually moving them, cause that seems to be possible (implied maybe?) from all my reading, I just can't find any good instruction on this.
Wanting to use RTM but getting frustrated...
I guess I just need a better explanation of how to get rid of tasks in the inbox outside of completing them and manually moving them, cause that seems to be possible (implied maybe?) from all my reading, I just can't find any good instruction on this.
Wanting to use RTM but getting frustrated...
(closed account) says:
The task isn't in two places because it appears in the Inbox and a smart list. A smart list isn't a "place" in the sense the Inbox is. A smart list is essentially a filter. The tasks shown there are the search results that fit the criteria for that smartlist. A task could appear on however many smartl ists that it fits the criteria for, but it still only exists once on the system.
Once you've complated a task you can mark it complete either while looking at it on a smart list, or in the inbox, or another list if you've moved it there. You only need to mark it complete once. If you do so while looking at it in a smart list and then display your Inbox, that task will be gone from the Inbox.
Personally, I keep all my tasks on a list called Tasks and I use the Inbox as a sort of workbench. A place to add new tasks when I want to add several tasks and add mutliple cirteria to them, before moving them en-masse to the Tasks list. Then I use tags and smart lists to filter the Tasks list and show different types of tasks.
It's a database. A list, like the Inbox, or my Tasks list is a table of entries and the smart lists are queries/views of that table.
Once you've complated a task you can mark it complete either while looking at it on a smart list, or in the inbox, or another list if you've moved it there. You only need to mark it complete once. If you do so while looking at it in a smart list and then display your Inbox, that task will be gone from the Inbox.
Personally, I keep all my tasks on a list called Tasks and I use the Inbox as a sort of workbench. A place to add new tasks when I want to add several tasks and add mutliple cirteria to them, before moving them en-masse to the Tasks list. Then I use tags and smart lists to filter the Tasks list and show different types of tasks.
It's a database. A list, like the Inbox, or my Tasks list is a table of entries and the smart lists are queries/views of that table.