URL with the protocol Notes:// displayed incorrectly

pavel.rybakov says:
Thank you for the great RTM software. One small bug found. When I fill in the URL field with the string of the form "Notes://Shark/8025658A00640ECB/2B95B476C24B4591C325695700663B35/40E8DD64FBB900ECC3257656004BE421" the field then dispalyed as "http://Notes://Shark/8025658A00640ECB/2B95B476C24B4591C325695700663B35/40E8DD64FBB900ECC3257656004BE421" (prefixed with "http://"). Clicking on the URL results in error. Protocol "Notes://" is widely used for IBM Lotus Notes. Please change the behavior of the program that I could use the URLs for Lotus Notes.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi pavel.rybakov,
Thanks for letting us know. I've added this to our list to investigate.
Thanks for letting us know. I've added this to our list to investigate.

pavel.rybakov says:
Thank you!