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Widget Issue (Not updating)

barkerja says:
I've noticed an issue with the widget that I'm trying to duplicate to help you guys out. The problem was it wasn't updating nor would it open the app when clicked on. Removing the widget and then re-adding it fixed the problem, I think this happened after a reboot.

The widget uses a custom list (list:Inbox AND locatedWithin:"1 mile")

I'm running an HTC Hero on Sprint with the latest firmware update.
Posted at 6:45am on November 22, 2009
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Yeah, that'd be the way to fix any widget issues. Let us know if the issue persists or returns.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
bvandeloo, what's +1 mean?
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Still having this issue, seems to be after all items in a list clear and I add something new it's not updated.

And +1 is just a quick means of saying you agree or would like to see a feature implemented or bug fixed.
Posted 15 years ago
jakeschievink says:
I have the same issue, with the sprint htc hero whenever i reboot my phone the widget just reads No tasks. This always happens when i reboot no matter what the widget is displaying. And it always starts working again when i delete and replace the widget. Its quite aggravating.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
jakeschievink, the widget not working after restarting is a known issue caused by a bug in the HTC/Sense UI.

barkerja, bvandeloo: does this happen when restarting or is that not necessary for this to happen?
Posted 15 years ago
nickdailey says:
This also happens to me on an HTC Hero. Is there a way to fix this temporarily while you guys figure it out? Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Same with me, after reboot. However I've noticed it sometimes happens without a reboot.. if I haven't had any tasks in my list for a while so it seems. I have no similar issues with any other widget applications that I use.

Since the last HTC Hero firmware update all my problems, except this one dealing with RTM, have been resolved.
Posted 15 years ago
sjh0673 says:
I am also having the "No tasks" issue after a reboot on the Sprint HTC Hero. Only workaround I've found is to delete/readd the widget.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Could anyone still having this problem uninstall RTM, restart the phone, and reinstall RTM from the Android Market? That should work around any problems the Hero has reloading the widget.
Posted 15 years ago
sjh0673 says:
Didn't work for me. I uninstalled RTM, restarted phone, reinstalled RTM from the Market, added the widget back, and restarted the phone again. The widget shows "No tasks."
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
sjh0673, if it doesn't show anything immediately after adding, I'd wonder if it might be a different issue. Does it work if you set it to show all tasks?
Posted 15 years ago
nickdailey says:
After I did what you suggested, andrewski, it still had the same issue. It works after adding the widget until the phone is turned off then restarted. After that, I have to remove the widget and readd to get it to show tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
sjh0673 says:
Andrewski, my issue is the same as nickdailey. It does show my tasks immediately after adding the widget, but as soon as I turn the phone off and back on, it shows "No Tasks."
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
I see; I misunderstood exactly what you were seeing. Thanks for clarifying.
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Confirmed here as well. After deleting the app, restarting the phone and then reinstalling I still have the issue of showing no tasks on the widget after restarting the phone.

I've noticed also that after restarting the phone (and a few other rare occasions of not restarting the phone) on top of tasks not showing in the widget, the list name doesn't show on the widget as well.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
i am having the same problem with "no tasks" appearing in my widget
Posted 15 years ago
cornetth says:
Has this been fixed yet? I have four widgets on my phone. It is really frustrating to have to delete and re-add them every time I restart my phone. I use this program a lot and rely on it. I love it! Please help me love it even more! :-)
Posted 15 years ago
ngildersleeve says:
also have the same problem. i love the widgets, but having to re-add every time is aggravating.
Posted 15 years ago
barkerja says:
Bump. This is a big issue for us (apparently 1.5) users.
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
If anyone is still experiencing this problem, unfortunately there's a HTC Sense UI issue where widgets don't retain their settings upon reboot -- it sounds like this is the issue being experienced by many here.

More details in these posts -- hopefully HTC will get this fixed soon (if they haven't already). I'd recommend making sure that your device OS is up-to-date with any updates.
Posted 14 years ago
chacy says:
I'm having this problem too. Very frustrating .. started happening right after I upgraded to pro (just coincidence on the timing, but very annoying nonetheless.) Have also tried the uninstall/reboot sequence to no avail. Really hoping for a fix on this!
Posted 14 years ago
alexmf says:
Interestlingly I get a similar behaviour on my Motorola Milestone (running 2.0.1). My custom list (including the locatedWithin expression) stops showing any tasks until I remove the widget and restart the phone.

The rest of the widget works (i.e. it takes me to the relevant list - but the list is also empty). The phone definately knows where it is (tested current location Maps) but refuses to believe that there are any local tasks until the reboot.
Posted 14 years ago
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