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tags and punctuation

pierresc says:
I use a leading punctuation mark to differentiate different kinds of tags, eg, contexts, projects, etc. Now I find that many kinds of punctuation get stripped off. Others remain, but don't display (%). The only punctuaion marks that now work as I expect are +-_. and @. Is this a bug or a feature? Also, if I wanted to capitalize a tag, I can't; they're all downshifted.
Posted at 1:17pm on August 28, 2009
pierresc says:
FWIW, I first noticed this on the iPhone, but the behavior seems to be the same on the web interface.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Tags have always been lowercase; that's intended behavior.

As for the characters, this is also intended behavior. Letters, international characters, and the characters you listed above are the ones supported. There's a previous thread on this in the forums.
Posted 15 years ago
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