Change date of repeating task
modbroad says:
I have had an issue with repeating tasks. If I change the due date of a task and it's already overdue it doesn't seem to change the due date of the next task (e.g. I have a task I want to complete every two weeks. If I've done the task late, it doesn't matter what the original date was, still want to do next time two weeks from completion time). Is the proper way to postpone instead of changing the date of a repeating task? Will that then postpone the future ones? Please let me know, thanks!
modbroad says:
Thank you! I had used after and every thinking they were they served the same function. I believe using after will solve the problem, and I will postpone instead of changing the date in the repeat sequence. If that doesn't work I'll follow up on this post.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
If you're using after, changing the date will still work. IMO that'd be easier if you're postponing by more than a day (though it wouldn't increment the postpone count, which may be a useful metric to you).