Cant see RTM window in gmail anymore

tks1213 says:
I had mistakenly turned off third party cookies and was unable to RTM to login and stay logged in within gmail. Once I fixed the problem the whole rtm task window does not show up anymore in the gmail. I have reinstalled the firefox extension again, verified all the options including gmail labs/tasks. The rtm window within gmail does not show up. What went wrong. I have forefox 3.0.11 and gmail version "11669762" shows as being supported. Help!

tks1213 says:
Item is closed, my mistake indeed. There is a FAQ item on this which I am copying and pasting since this can be a common issue'
"I don't need to see my tasks all of the time. Is there any way to hide this?
Yes, just click on the arrow to the left of the tasks pane. This will collapse the pane; you can click the arrow again to expand it."
"I don't need to see my tasks all of the time. Is there any way to hide this?
Yes, just click on the arrow to the left of the tasks pane. This will collapse the pane; you can click the arrow again to expand it."

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
The arrow is designed to fit in with Gmail's normal margin, so it can be hard to spot while collapsed! :)