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Tasks re-organized when travelling

sjh123 says:
Every timeI travel (to another US coast or overseas) my RTM tasks seem to develop a mind of their own and start moving back and forth a day or two. I am not sure if this is due to being in a different time zone, and if it is I am not sure how to fix it. If anyone has any ideas and can shed some light on this issue, I'd really appreciate it.


Posted at 2:23pm on July 2, 2009
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Simon,

Unfortunately RTM doesn't currently support shifting timezones, which sounds like it's causing an issue here; when a due date is set in one timezone, the task will be due at the start of that day (i.e., midnight) in that timezone. It's something that's on our list to look into supporting in the future.
Posted 15 years ago
z_everson says:
I travel a lot, Simon, and live on the border of a time zone, so I encounter this problem often. Unfortunately my work around is to just not use RTM when outside of my home timezone, but rather revert back to pen and paper.
Posted 15 years ago
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