How do I add multiple tasks
johnsdr says:
How do I add multiple tasks? Can I email a task list?
benb says:
Yep. Click Settings > Info. There are 2 email addresses; the "Inbox email address" is for emailing a single task, and the "Import email address" is for bulk task lists.
Enter the list name as the subject (or it will go to Inbox by default) and then put tasks in the body, one on each line.
Enter the list name as the subject (or it will go to Inbox by default) and then put tasks in the body, one on each line.
smokegrey says:
Yes, you can.
I'm still trying to figure out how to set a due date on tasks you mail in as a list though. Don't think there's any way to, but I *really* wish you could.
I'm still trying to figure out how to set a due date on tasks you mail in as a list though. Don't think there's any way to, but I *really* wish you could.
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Yes, you can do that via your Import email address. More information on that on our Help page.