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Tasks syncing to PocketPC / Windows Mobile 6.1

ascaaear says:
I been playing around with the task manager which are native on my HTC Cruise 2 (which are running Windows Mobile 6.1).

My problem is... it seems to me that its only possible to sync the lists and NOT the smartlists (btw. why is that??). So I end up having a bunch of tasks on my mobile without any grouping at all. I guess more than me use RTM and a PocketPC, so how do other solve this issue? Basically I just want to seperate and group the different smartlists into different categories... like "grocery list", "todo" etc
Posted at 6:46am on May 16, 2009
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
As I understand, Windows Mobile does not support filtering as powerfully as RTM does, so unfortunately there's no way to search the same way.

The RTM List name will synchronize as the category name on Windows Mobile, and you can filter by category to see tasks in a particular category. I can't recall the menus offhand, but I believe you select one of the "soft key" menus at the bottom (Tools? Options?) and then choose Filter and select the category. Let me know if you need more specific details and I can get screenshots for you.

I have the same problem on my BlackBerry, so list/category becomes the mainstay for mobile organization. So let me know if you need some other ideas. Hope this helps!
Posted 15 years ago
ascaaear says:
Thanx... I see that the RTM lists shows up as categories on my Windows Mobile. But the problem is that, from my inbox i make smart lists, which I cant transfer to my phone. Why on earth are there not a option to synchronize smartlists too?

I see that I have to rearrange my lists, so it works more smoothly with my handheld device.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It's not a matter of programming an option for MilkSync to synchronize smart lists, rather the problem is that Windows Mobile doesn't have any concept of them.

In fact, it can't perform a search like RTM is capable of. You can only filter one category at a time on Windows Mobile, which corresponds to switching the active List on RTM's tasks.

My BlackBerry has this limitation too, and it's one of the clunkiest arbitrary limitations out there. One of the powers of a tagged/categorized system is in the ability to filter, but apparently they didn't decide to build that into the OS. :-/
Posted 15 years ago
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