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Twitter help -- not related to outage

(closed account) says:
I want to be able to assign a list when I tweet a new task, but can't figure out how to do it. It's not listed in the services page, and also !tips doesn't work on a direct tweet (see other thread of Twitter issues).

Is there a way to assign a task to a new list other than inbox using Twitter? It would make life much easier.
Posted at 11:38am on April 22, 2009
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi nathanrudy,

Sorry this isn't possible with the Twitter feature at this time. :(
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
While Emily is right, there are some workarounds...

If you have a smartlist for Aardvark items that keys off the presence of the word aardvark in a task's title, all you need to do to add tasks to that smart list is to remember to include the word aardvark to any task you add via twitter, and then when you wish to see your aardvark tasks, simply consult your list and they will all be there waiting. For the sake of brevity, you might choose to key off of something short, like wk or zz, rather than a long word like aardvark.

For the truly manic, you might have a smartlist, called for example Work' and have it display both the contents of a work list and the contents of the list I described above, so that you didn't have to add the keyword to everything. The drawback with this is you'll have three lists when all you want is one list, but if you name the two sub-lists something like | or :, then they are narrow and pretty easily ignored.
Posted 15 years ago
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