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Tags vs Lists

(closed account) says:
Why would anyone use both tags AND lists? If you've got tags, why bother with lists (or vice versa)?
Posted at 4:25pm on February 16, 2009
jeff.rhine says:
You can share a List, but you cannot share a Tag.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Jeff: OK, thanks for that distinction. What if I have no interest in sharing anything?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
in my opinion, tags are>lists.

example, my work smartlist has this search:

Searched for: (tag:@work OR tag:@city OR tag:@internet OR tag:@call) AND ((dueWithin:"25 days of today" AND priority:1) OR (dueWithin:"20 days of today" AND priority:2) OR (dueWithin:"12 days of today" AND priority:3) OR (dueWithin:"1 week of today") OR (dueBefore:today))

Handy, huh?
Posted 16 years ago
gui.azurdia says:
A simpler form that works for me:

You cannot assign two lists to a task. You can assign several tags. For me it works as detailed in the following example:

Frank is a prospective customer. I want to list him in my "Prospects" list. I also want to make sure I remember to call him first thing in the morning from my office. The call should be performed without delay. Also, the call is quite fast since all he needs is a price.

Here's the task:

Task:Call Frank @ 8:00
LIst: Prospects
Tags: "calls_under_15_minutes", "urgent", "from_office".

This way, it goes with my work method. I always look at "urgent" first thing in the morning, so there he is. Then I look at those calls I will perform only it they are under 15 minutes and, once again, there he is. I also look at things I will do from my office, and Frank is there as well. I never miss a call or a meeting. It helps me stay organized.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yeah... you are absolutely right gui.azurdia... Should have said that first!
Posted 16 years ago
gui.azurdia says:

Thanks. I think your smartlist is also very nice. That's the beauty of GTD: everyone uses it differently
Let's keep in touch

Posted 16 years ago
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