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System, Fustrating Synch Delays!?!?!

eejai42 says:
I love the idea of RTM. I have it on iPhone, through the web and on my calendars. The problem is that these sources are almost always out of date!

As soon as I change anything (say on my IPhone), I expect that if I click the refresh button on the phone, that these changes will get synched back to the website. So if I refresh my page on the website I expect to see the udpated information. Unfortunately, it seems that I have to log out, and then back into the website before those changes show up. And in many cases, even then the data is still out of date (old).

The calendars are even worse and seem to update VERY infrequently.

Why isn't this stuff all real time? Todo lists that show items I've completed for hours after I've completed them are not helpful? What am I missing here?
Posted at 11:05pm on February 11, 2009
eejai42 says:
Well, oddly, now everything seems to be working relatively smoothly. The calendars always seem to be hours behind everything else (and continue to be now), but the iPhone app and the websie seem to be much more "In Synch" now. Anyway, I guess it's working now - so thanks and sorry to anyone who read this - I would have just deleted the post, but found no such option... L8r.
Posted 16 years ago
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