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Very slow performance today

leb0wski says:
Anyone else experiencing really long load times each time you switch tabs/lists or add/complete an item? Seems like a really long lag time every time I do anything on the site.
Posted at 3:45pm on February 9, 2009
ossavir says:
For me, it's gotten to the point of being unusable today =(
Posted 16 years ago
leb0wski says:
Seriously guys. This either needs to be fixed or I'm going to have to find a different service to use.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, very slow and often after a few minutes giving the "temporarily unavailable" message.

Once again though - and it's been like this for at least an hour - no update on the status blog. No communication from RTM staff.

I'm now officially on my last nerve with RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
omar (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey guys,

Unfortunately the site experienced some responsiveness issues for around 40 minutes this morning (Sydney time), which meant that some users saw slow load times or received the temporarily unavailable page. This was an (unintended!) continuation of the maintenance we did on the weekend.

Apologies for not posting on the status blog :( -- my fault! I was working up 'til 5:30am here when the issue was addressed (I was the person responsible for addressing it :), and I forgot to post about it (even though Emily reminded me several times! :)

I'll try to remember to update the status blog, no matter what time of day (or night) it is!

The responsiveness issues should (hopefully) be addressed now (though the RTM ninjas are always trying to make things better in the background).

Sorry again for forgetting the status post.

Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I just wanted to add one thing that I'm not sure is clear: if a "temporarily unavailable" page is shown, you can be sure that at least one RTM engineer is already working to fix whatever issue is occurring.

Whether or not the status blog has been updated with any further news (which may not be necessary if the issue is particularly brief or localized), you can be sure that someone is always working it.

While unfortunately we can't guarantee that our service will never have issues (no service can!), we're doing absolutely everything that we can do to make RTM as fast and reliable (two attributes that we take very seriously) as it can be.
Posted 16 years ago
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