How to Make RTM act more link Things?

davidscottweaver says:
Hi gang, I've been playing around with the Things desktop and iPod app for a bit, and I must say that after I got used to how it works I really like the philosophy! I still prefer syncing over a cloud to a desktop client (I'm away from home a lot), and it seems the CulturedCode folks are even worse at communicating updates than the good ninjas are here at RTM.
That being said, with the power behind smartlists and what not, I was wondering if there might be a way to setup RTM to mimic the Things philosophy. Here's what I mean:
In Things you have a Today list, Next, Scheduled, and Someday. Seems pretty easy right? Where Things differs is in the Scheduled area with regards to repeating tasks. When a repeating task is due, it makes a copy of itself and puts that copy into the Today list, and if you're not ready to work on it, you can drag it into Next or even Someday, but it doesn't affect the original repeat.
Right now in RTM, if I change the list a repeating task is in, the next time it repeats, it shows up in the list I changed it to last time. I can understand this (it took a bit for me to get the idea around the "copy" thing in Things, but now I see how well it works from a GTD aspect).
This is more or less an experiment, but with the power of RTM I thought it might just work.
That being said, with the power behind smartlists and what not, I was wondering if there might be a way to setup RTM to mimic the Things philosophy. Here's what I mean:
In Things you have a Today list, Next, Scheduled, and Someday. Seems pretty easy right? Where Things differs is in the Scheduled area with regards to repeating tasks. When a repeating task is due, it makes a copy of itself and puts that copy into the Today list, and if you're not ready to work on it, you can drag it into Next or even Someday, but it doesn't affect the original repeat.
Right now in RTM, if I change the list a repeating task is in, the next time it repeats, it shows up in the list I changed it to last time. I can understand this (it took a bit for me to get the idea around the "copy" thing in Things, but now I see how well it works from a GTD aspect).
This is more or less an experiment, but with the power of RTM I thought it might just work.