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Anybody help with implementing a smartlist??!!

marc.garcia.marti says:

is there anyway I can pull up a list of some labels only? I usually assign a dot for projects and it would be quite helpful for my weekly review, filtering out my @contexts and other labels that are no projects. I know I can refer to the settings tab and stuff but since we all are in the smartlists mood, I was just wondering... :)


Posted at 10:42pm on February 1, 2009
arvid says:
Hi marc,

it depends on what you refer to as labels :)

You can perform a search for; tag:TAGNAME

Now when you use AND and OR you can widen the search.

Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
For more info:
Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:

I'm referring to implementng a smartlist that would only show a list of the labels that start with a dot or that contain a certain character. I assign .pxxxxx for personal projects and .wxxxxxxx for business projects. It would be a killer smartlist for my weekly review if I could produce this so they it would only show my current projects.

I know I can go to settings and then look for labels there but that seems kind of deprecated to me as I start loving Smaertlists.

Thanks in advance

Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
When you say label, are you referring to tags or task names?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
ok marc, if what you are asking is if you can make a smartlist where you see actions with a ".pxxxxx" OR a ".wxxxxx" tag, then yeah!

This is how you would do it:

-write this on the search bar:
tag:.pxxxxx OR tag:.wxxxxx
Then on the new "search" you get options (to the right, in a tab) to save it.
And you are done, voila!

You also say you would like to see your "current" projects.
We could do this, assuming you call "current" the things you have to do before a week or things you should have done already:

(tag:.pxxxxx OR tag:.wxxxxx) AND (dueBefore:today OR dueWithin:"7 days of today")

Does that solve your problem? Also, are you Spanish? (Guessed because of your name) If I misunderstood you, you can email me in Spanish so we understand each other better. (yeah, I'm spanish too)

Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
ranbarton and arvid, I'm sorry that I missused yet again label for tag... I guess that Gmail is to blame for this!!!! :)

You both were right, when I said labels I should have said tags, sorry!! :)

vjcamarena I'm spanish by all means but I would rather stick to English even if we make some mistakes as I think this topic might be of Help for others. Let's just give it a try and if I can't manage to make my point, I'll email you straight away!! :)

What I'm trying to figure out here is if there is a way to implement a smartlist that would only LIST my labels, and not my tasks, that start or contain a certain character. Say one task is:
- "Try remember the milk", then I would assign the following tags: @computer, .pgtd, -next
These tags mean that
* I should carry out this task when I'm sitting at my computer
* It is the very next action of a project
* the project is called .pgtd which stands ouf for .PersonalGettingThingsDone

So far so good. Now I would like to create a smartlikst that will only show/list all my projects:
- .wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- .wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- .pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- .pgtd
- .pxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and the tasks should not appear on the outcome.

Makes sense?

Thanks everybody
Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
stands out should be stands for I think... :(
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
aha understood much better now.
I think you cannot do what you are talking about.
However, there is a way to do something very similar.
It's called the Tag cloud. You can see it in the overview and in preferences-general, you can make it so you can see it in the tasks page.

I understand this is not a great solution. I use this but modified with a Greasemonkey script. Greasemonkey is an addon only for Firefox that lets you manipulate webpages. The scripts are the things that actually change the pages. This will let us organize our tags into categories. That way you can see all your proyects together.
So, steps:
-Install Firefox.
-Go to Tools-Addons (in spanish Herramientas-Complementos) and click get addons, search for Greasemonkey, and install it.
-Now go here:
and install those two.
The first one is the real deal, the second one just makes sure you dont lose visibility of the tag cloud. Now you can right click on the monkey face that should be on the bottom of your firefox and edit the first one you you make it the exact colour you want and everything, but as far as you have explained your tags it should work right away.

I'll explain more later, in another post.

Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
Thanks for such a good tip... There is something about it though, the tags cloud shows only tags for which at least one task exist. What if you have a project that has no actions associated to? The tags cloud won't show it and you may overlook it on your weekly review, right?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
hm... that is very true. However supposedly if you dont have any actions there you wouldn't need to look at it that often. Still, I have no solution for that, but try the script, it works great and looks great too!
Posted 16 years ago
jeff.rhine says:
tagContains:. (for all projects)

tagContains:.w (for work projects)

tagContains:.p (for personal projects)


I can't take credit though. I found it on the forums here:

thanks to: markrichards

Posted 16 years ago
jeff.rhine says:
Actually I just realized the great (and credit to markrichards) was a request for implementing "tagContains:"

Well.... I guess the RTM team implemented it!!!!! Go Team!!! Since I just tried it on my own projects (they all begin with "_") and it worked beautifully.

Thanks Emily and Crew!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
oh they did? sweet!

Sadly, this isnt exactly what marc wanted... He waned to see the Proyects, not the actions inside. Still, very helpful to know! Thanks jeff!
Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
Exactly, this won't pull up the list I'm after...
Posted 16 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
I've created a list for all my projects. In this list I write only the title of all my projects (one task per project) and add a different project tag. I also put a priority to these tasks in order for them to show up on top of all searches (I don't use priorities otherwise).

For the weekly review, I click through the tag cloud, empty projects show up as such, time to create a next action.

Here the project is Fakturerad enhet with the tag ++fakturerad_enhet, with presently two actions.
Posted 16 years ago
marc.garcia.marti says:
Dear rijjan,

I like your approach but I had really hopped this had been tackled before as it is one of the most important pieces of the GTD jigsaw... RTM team, please do put this taks in your ToDo list it is of vital importance!!

rijjan, btw, is that swedish by any chance?? it is quite funny that I can make out some words (I can speak a little german) :)
Posted 15 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
There are (by now) quite a few things that could/should have been tackled by RTM directly, but solutions like this one works now, a major advantage as I see it.

Yes it is, Swedish is rather close to German as they are both germanic languages. I felt that I wasn't giving too much of my private life away in posting this project.
Posted 15 years ago
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