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Gears Crashes Firefox 3 and RTM

daryltask says:
I am new hear and have serached the forum for an answer but have not found anything.

I am using the latest version of Firefox and Google Gears, however when I try to access RTM Firefox freezes.

If I disable Gears everything works OK.

Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance
Posted at 2:21pm on January 24, 2009
arvid says:
Some users have reported slowness when using RTM in Google Chrome with Gears enabled for RTM. We’re investigating this further, but if you experience this issue in the meantime, it may be necessary to temporarily remove permission for RTM from Gears (so that RTM loads without using Gears in Google Chrome).

For the issue with FireFox, could you please log a support request through email? We will be able to look into it.
Posted 16 years ago
kdevos says:
Probably due to the FF theme you are using. Had the same issue, and found a reference on the google group for gear users on this (

try using the default firefox theme -worked for me!
Posted 16 years ago
barry.porter says:
Thanks for advise about kdevos - not very often someone posts something useful that actually works straight off
Posted 16 years ago
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