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Slow again

(closed account) says:
Seems like RTM is running REALLY slow again today. I've tried from work, from home, and from my phone (all three are different networks) and all three are taking forever to load RTM pages, including the forum and help pages.
Posted at 4:42pm on January 21, 2009
apgordon says:
Experiencing the same thing.
Posted 16 years ago
apgordon says:
Seems faster now.
Posted 16 years ago
leb0wski says:
Everything is loading super slow for me today (and over the pas few days) as well.
Posted 16 years ago
enochspassion says:
Yes, it is very slow right now for me. Is there anything that I can do to change that on my end?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Very slow for me too. Maybe I've been recommending RTM to too many people.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Confirmed that the RTM service, forums, and help pages are all running very slow here in Arizona. I guess it is mirroring the way I start out Monday mornings :)
Posted 16 years ago
tina.petersen says:
slow here in houston.
Posted 16 years ago
raccettura says:
Painfully slow this morning for me as well.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I should add that I've tried multiple browsers to see if there was any difference and the performance on Chrome and Firefox are basically the same
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I apologise for the lack of updates; our engineers have been busy looking into this issue, and it should now be resolved. I've made sure this is noted on the status blog and we'll be sure to post any future updates there.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
It's still very slow for me - after waiting a long time I get the text only website and it can't even download the icons in google calendar, let alone show my tasks.

All other networks based service are very fast, so it's not a local problem.
Posted 16 years ago
This topic has now been closed automatically due to a lack of responses in the past 90 days.