Make one part of a repeating task complete?

tjp.thomas says:
Is this possible... I have a recurring task every friday that I would like to make complete when done... however it marks the "entire" task complete... is there anyway to do this?

tjp.thomas says:
It seems so.... however I am having problems with displaying items that are, say one week ahead, so maybe I am just not looking the right place?

(closed account) says:
to see items that are coming up one week ahead, do a search for
dueWithin:7 days
and completing an instance of a repeating action should NOT stop the repeating. if it does that for you, tell the team, cause it should be a bug
(by the way, I use it, and it works fine for me, so it is implemented)
Hope this solves both your doubts!
dueWithin:7 days
and completing an instance of a repeating action should NOT stop the repeating. if it does that for you, tell the team, cause it should be a bug
(by the way, I use it, and it works fine for me, so it is implemented)
Hope this solves both your doubts!

apakula says:
I'm having the same problem - marking one instance of a repeating task complete prevents future repeats from appearing.

(closed account) says:
If it helps - I just created a reminder with a daily repeat before viewing this thread...
1) in overview, it showed on the today tab but not the tomorrow tab.
2) after selecting it and setting it to complete, I returned to the overview page; it was no longer on the today but was on the tomorrow tab.
3) I clicked Undo and now it shows on the today AND the tomorrow tabs.
1) in overview, it showed on the today tab but not the tomorrow tab.
2) after selecting it and setting it to complete, I returned to the overview page; it was no longer on the today but was on the tomorrow tab.
3) I clicked Undo and now it shows on the today AND the tomorrow tabs.