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RTM - Windows Mobile Pocket Informant sync

turgan says:

I have a Samsung I780 with Pocket Informant suite installed. Somehow Milksync for Windows Mobile did not send tasks I created on the mobile device to my Remember The Milk account.

I checked and found the following problem with this sync:

On the device under Pocket Informant, only the tasks I created with "HIGH" or "LOW" priority are sent to RTM. Those I created with the default priority which is "Normal" are not sent to RTM.

Those I created with Low priority on the device are sent to RTM as No priority, and vice versa, as in the tasks I created on RTM without any priority are sent to the device as Low priority.

Tasks I set as High priority on the mobile device, are sent to RTM as High Priority, as in Priority 1.

Tasks I don't set priority for on the mobile device are not sent to RTM at all...

Just posting this incase anyone else encounters the same issue.
Posted at 11:01am on January 16, 2009
turgan says:
pardon the mistake:

The "priority" setting in Pocket Informant is actually: IMPORTANCE not priority. So "Importance" setting in Pocket Informant is translated in RTM as "Priority" .

there is also a seperate "Priority" setting in Pocket Informant which I don't use.
Posted 16 years ago
jeroenvandorp says:
Try the following.
Take care that you have all tasks in Pocket Informant/Outlook.
Set milksync on your PDA to "device to RTM" only and save this setting.
Delete all tasks from RTM (online) (not lists etc.)
Delete the tasks.dat file in the milksync program directory on your device.
Resync your device.
After a succesfull resync you can reset your RTM sync setting to two way.
Posted 16 years ago
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