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Iniital MilkSync Sync issues with Windows Mobile 6.0

mspecht says:
I am stumped. I have had a RTM account for a few years but never really used it. Anyway yesterday I bought a pro license to test out MilkSync with my Treo 750. I have a lot of existing tasks on my Treo which is sync'ing with Outlook via ActiveSync.

The install of MilkSync went fine, did the sync and the log said 1200 tasks were transferred, yes I have a lot of to do's. Anyway on RTM I had not setup Lists so everything went into the Inbox. Even after setting up lists and re-sync'ing they did not appear in the Lists. I tested that the sync was working by adding new tasks on both RTM and the Treo, worked find.

So I deleted all tasks in RTM, uninstalled MilkSync on the Treo to start again. Again the install of MilkSync no issues, initial sync said 1200 items processed.


Nope. Only 18 items are actually appearing in RTM, they are in the right lists which is good.

Any thoughts?
Posted at 6:37am on January 15, 2009
turgan says:
pardon the mistake:

The "priority" setting in Pocket Informant is actually: IMPORTANCE not priority. So "Importance" setting in Pocket Informant is translated in RTM as "Priority" .

there is also a seperate "Priority" setting in Pocket Informant which I don't use.
Posted 16 years ago
turgan says:
oups. I posted the above under the wrong heading sorry... I'm having further issues with Milksync on Windows Mobile 6.0.

I don't believe Milksync works stable on Windows Mobile 6
Posted 16 years ago
coordinated says:
It's disappointing that the WM version appears to be stuck at v1.0/beta whilst the other versions appear to be being actively developed.

I've also had problems with MilkSync on WM6.0 and can't see any point in upgrading to a Pro account whilst:

1. development of the software _appears_ to have ceased
2. sync'ing just doesn't work for me* (changes to tasks made on my PDA are lost when sync'd with MilkSync)
3. so many forum posts on this subject go unanswered by RTM folk

I guess I'm stuck with the web interface until finally I get an iPhone ...
... and if RTM haven't improved their support by then they'll have lost my "mind share" and I'll be swapping to Things.

What a shame - I really like the product... but reliable sync'ing is everything (and essential for off-line work).


* note that, like other MilkSync users, I'm also using PocketInformant 6 (in case this is relevant)
Posted 16 years ago
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