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O2 UK SMS Reminders Impossible to Get Working

(closed account) says:
I love this software app on the iphone, having tried dozens, and REALLY need the SMS alert feature, but alas, I have to report that o2 technical support (BUSINESS) in the UK, do not support mmail and will rather refer you on to for support. (totally unable to grasp the concept of text to email). In fact most of their tech staff had no knowledge of the service even existing, let alone the concept of it.

They (o2) charge for all texts (incoming and outgoing) and do not take them out of your monthly allowance, (a real money-spinner for them IF they supported it), but my advice.......

Go elsewhere.....
Posted at 11:51am on January 14, 2009
(closed account) says:
Incidentally, the other strange issue, is that I believe there is a RTM issue here as I have a account and their SMS alert service, (direct to the UK 02 phone number) works perfectly every time, without any of the activation of email to sms mentioned on the RTM site.

Surely RTM should be able to achieve the same.

ie, let us input our o2 tel numbers and receive texts. Google calendars do it, does it, so why not RTM?
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi netsi,

we don't have our own SMS Gateway and rely for most service on the Email-to-TXT service a telecom provider would offer.

Google uses their own SMS gateway and therefore they can offer you to put in your phone number.

Only possible workaround here would be to use iCal feeds to get your tasks into Google Calendar and have them remind you of Open Tasks.


Posted 16 years ago
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