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web interface doesn't show tasks by tags

d.willis says:
I am interested in seeing my tasks by tags (using basic GTD @context tags). I don't have any due dates on my tasks. When I click the tag clouds, the web interface just cycles back to showing what's due today, which shows no tasks since none have any due dates. It shows beautifully on my ipod touch, but not on the web interface. Any thoughts?
Posted at 11:55pm on January 13, 2009
d.willis says:
Hello - posting this message again, hopefully someone has a suggestion. The browser based RTM is not working at all for me, and I don't see anything in the forum posts that seems similar. I'm using IE7. Basically, each list tab shows no tasks due (which is true since I'm not using due dates, but not helpful), and the tag clouds will not pull up, just cycle back to the screen showing what's due today. Again, it works perfectly on my ipod touch. My free ipod app download will expire shortly. I am reluctant to upgrade to Pro at this point because it doesn't work on the browser.
Posted 16 years ago
kmninbox says:
1. this is only a suggestion, a work around, maybe redundant.
but just tag your tasks with your contexts
then create smart lists that show all tasks with that context
ie smartlist for @errands, smartlist for @calls

2. tags and locations are also listed on the middle right side of the rtm webpage while viewing tasks from any list, you can click on whatever you like
Posted 16 years ago
d.willis says:
that's a good idea, thanks! I've been getting into smart lists, particularly on the ipod interface, such as "priority=high". What you describe in #2 was oddly not working at all (clicking a tag cloud just cycled back to the "due today" screen); but started working just fine yesterday. Weird.

thanks for your help
Posted 16 years ago
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