Windows Mobile or BlackBerry?

(closed account) says:
I need to upgrade to a smartphone, and I can't decide between a BlackBerry or a Windows Mobile phone. They both have advantages and disadvantages.
Which platform syncs more seamlessly with RTM? Which is the more elegant solution? Which one maintains the tags, locations, dates, repeatings tasks, etc., better?
P.S. Please, no rants about why one platform is inherently better. I look at it as PC vs. Mac; you're one or the other and there's not much point in trying to convince someone to switch camps.
Which platform syncs more seamlessly with RTM? Which is the more elegant solution? Which one maintains the tags, locations, dates, repeatings tasks, etc., better?
P.S. Please, no rants about why one platform is inherently better. I look at it as PC vs. Mac; you're one or the other and there's not much point in trying to convince someone to switch camps.