Last day of the month repeat (2)

ihunter says:
I really would like to start using RTM (including upgrading to Pro) but need last day of the month repeats. Can you confirm if you've any plans to support them in the near future because if not I'll stop checking back so often in the hope that you have.

ihunter says:
This is the second time I've asked about last day of the month repeats and it's the second time RTM have not responded. A simple YES or NO will suffice! Is that too much to ask for?

(closed account) says:
No offense but you have just tried setting it up and using something like google calendar to view the feed? since it does repeats like 'every month on the 4th thursday of the month' don't know why it wouldn't work for the last day as well.

(closed account) says:
I just tried this myself. 'every month on the 4th thursday' works but not 'every month on the last day'. I couldnt find a string that worked for that.

(closed account) says:
what you could do, though, is set a repeat for the First day of the month.
Then you can set a smartlist that shows you repeating tasks that come up on the next week (for example) with isRepeating:true AND dueWithin:"1 week of today".
Checking that list would show you the repeating action a full week in advance. (or you can add that formula to the list where you check what you have to do the next two weeks or whatever)
Hope this helped, Victor
Then you can set a smartlist that shows you repeating tasks that come up on the next week (for example) with isRepeating:true AND dueWithin:"1 week of today".
Checking that list would show you the repeating action a full week in advance. (or you can add that formula to the list where you check what you have to do the next two weeks or whatever)
Hope this helped, Victor

ihunter says:
Victor: It's not the ideal solution but it might be workable. I'll have a play around and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion.
RTM: What's so difficult about giving me an answer to my original question???
RTM: What's so difficult about giving me an answer to my original question???

ihunter says:
It would still be nice to at least have the courtesy of a reply from them. This is, after all, the second time I've asked the same question!
Anyway, I've stumped up my $25 to go Pro and will see how things pan out.
Anyway, I've stumped up my $25 to go Pro and will see how things pan out.

(closed account) says:
hope you get it working for you!

(closed account) says:
The original poster wasn't asking for an improvement. They were asking if something was supported.
The original poster wasn't asking for an improvement. They were asking if something was supported.

milkiglo says:
Hey-Not sure if this will work but worth a shot for you. You can enter 'End of Month' and RTM will set the task for the end of that month. Than enter repeat: 'monthly'.
Where it is coming up on the end of Jan and there is no 31 Feb you'll have your answer then.
Where it is coming up on the end of Jan and there is no 31 Feb you'll have your answer then.

Interestingly, I could not enter "End of month" in Swedish, it translated to Monday. Changing to English (US) it was possible, getting a due date 31 jan (Saturday). Adding a repeat interval "every month" I then completed the tasks. Unfortunately, the new instance is due 3rd of March, 31 days later.
Probably it's easier to have a task that is due the first of the month and use the ¤zzz-trick descibed under the sticky subject Useful searches in the Tips&Tricks forum, adding a tag z1d making it appear in smartlists the day before (the last day of the month).
Probably it's easier to have a task that is due the first of the month and use the ¤zzz-trick descibed under the sticky subject Useful searches in the Tips&Tricks forum, adding a tag z1d making it appear in smartlists the day before (the last day of the month).

scottiec says:
Hey hunter, I was TOTALLY having the same problem as you! No one offered me any solutions to the task... this thread has much more insight than I ever got. I asked 3 times and finally got an answer "no" from emily I think.
What I did was made a separate task for each month of the year and then made a reminder in Dec. to "redo tasks" for the next year. IDK... it gets the job done I guess. Sorry, that's about all I got!
What I did was made a separate task for each month of the year and then made a reminder in Dec. to "redo tasks" for the next year. IDK... it gets the job done I guess. Sorry, that's about all I got!