RTM Crashes every time now

(closed account) says:
All of a sudden I can no longer open RTM on my iphone 3g ... it crashes every time now. I can't think of anything "special" I did in the process. I am not even using recurring events and feature other people seem to have problems with. I just have 6 lists and I manage most of them on through browser and use my phone to view them and check them off occasionally.
This is frustrating because I really like this app when it works, and now I can't even access my todo list for the day!
I have a crash log file I'll send you.
This is frustrating because I really like this app when it works, and now I can't even access my todo list for the day!
I have a crash log file I'll send you.

would it be possible to submit a Help request through email?
Once replied, we will be able to request some crashlogs and you can attach them to the email.
would it be possible to submit a Help request through email?
Once replied, we will be able to request some crashlogs and you can attach them to the email.

oztrumpster says:
I had the same thing happen to me on y iPod Touch today. I upgraded to RTM Pro and all seemed to be working fine. Later on that day when I went to use the Touch RTM again it kept crashing.
My solution was to delete RTM from the Touch then re-install it. This seemed to solve the problem as its working fine now. Hopefully it wont crash again :-)
I had the same thing happen to me on y iPod Touch today. I upgraded to RTM Pro and all seemed to be working fine. Later on that day when I went to use the Touch RTM again it kept crashing.
My solution was to delete RTM from the Touch then re-install it. This seemed to solve the problem as its working fine now. Hopefully it wont crash again :-)

browserweb says:
Same happened to me, also the other installed programs stopped working Every applications crashes. I have to delete en re-install RTM. After that everything is working now.