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Reminder Times

pjpw says:
I have RTM set up to send me email reminders at a preset time before a task is due and also at the time the task is due.

The problem is that the reminders are coming exactly 1 hr before they should be and the reminder time reference contained in the email is 1 hr before the actual set reminder time.

I assume this is to do with daylight saving however all my time and date settings in both RTM and Windows are correct. They are set as current time GMT+10 and Windows is set to automatically adjust for daylight saving.

Can someone please advise if I am doing something wrong or not doing something I should.
Posted at 5:39am on December 29, 2008
arvid says:
Hi pjpw,

would it be possible you submit the following support request?

Posted 16 years ago
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