Gmail Tasks

kbclinton says:
I recently joined RTM and updated my gmail with the new task feature. I also upgraded my iphone with the RTM feature as well. The iphone seems to sync well to the google calendar application but does not sync with the more simple gmail task app. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you!
I recently joined RTM and updated my gmail with the new task feature. I also upgraded my iphone with the RTM feature as well. The iphone seems to sync well to the google calendar application but does not sync with the more simple gmail task app. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you!

willw says:
I am assuming your are using the Gmail Gadget, not the plugin.
If you click Options at the bottom then Refresh it should be updated to the changes you have made on your iPhone / Google Calendar.
If you click Options at the bottom then Refresh it should be updated to the changes you have made on your iPhone / Google Calendar.

willw says:
I just reread your post, are you saying you are using Google's new Google Labs Tasks or the RTM Gadget?