RTM, palm pdas & Ipod Touch.

dave.kennedy says:
I'm in the process of migrating away from my Palm pda, which is on it's last legs. I'm hoping that I could get similar sync out of an Ipod Touch that I have with my pda.
Currently, on my pda
At work: I sync my schedule (Calendar) via outlook and my todo list on Palm desktop.
At home: my various databases etc....
I picked up a Ipod Touch last weekend and it was wonderful at home with the wifi interface. At work is another issue though. At work I cannot access the internet via the wifi on the touch. I've been able to set up an adhoc network to communicate with my pc, so I expect that I can get my outlook calendar working, but synchronizing to an online tasklist is not going to work without some form of offline tool. My preference is not to use outlook as a task tool, as I don't use outlook at home. My calendar is mostly work based.
I have a few days left to play with touch before I send it back (if I cannot get a desktop app to sync todos).
Is there a way forward for me? I see there is a google gears app to allow access to RTM offline, but is it able to perform a manual sync to a ipod Touch?
Currently, on my pda
At work: I sync my schedule (Calendar) via outlook and my todo list on Palm desktop.
At home: my various databases etc....
I picked up a Ipod Touch last weekend and it was wonderful at home with the wifi interface. At work is another issue though. At work I cannot access the internet via the wifi on the touch. I've been able to set up an adhoc network to communicate with my pc, so I expect that I can get my outlook calendar working, but synchronizing to an online tasklist is not going to work without some form of offline tool. My preference is not to use outlook as a task tool, as I don't use outlook at home. My calendar is mostly work based.
I have a few days left to play with touch before I send it back (if I cannot get a desktop app to sync todos).
Is there a way forward for me? I see there is a google gears app to allow access to RTM offline, but is it able to perform a manual sync to a ipod Touch?

willw says:
There would be no way to sync RTM data to an iPod Touch without WiFi, Apple/iTunes doesn't make that possible.