Recurrent tasks not reappearing, or skipping occurances

pedro.ruano says:
I have two recurring tasks:
- task1 repeats every Saturday
- task2 repeats every day
However, both seem to have problems:
- after completing Nov 23, the next occurrence that appears is Dec 06, skipping today, Nov 29.
- task2 is overdue 12 times, and it stopped appearing in the Due Today.
- task1 repeats every Saturday
- task2 repeats every day
However, both seem to have problems:
- after completing Nov 23, the next occurrence that appears is Dec 06, skipping today, Nov 29.
- task2 is overdue 12 times, and it stopped appearing in the Due Today.

pedro.ruano says:
Forgot something:
- regarding task1, tried to uncomplete the Nov 23 occurence and complete it again, hoping that the Nov 29 would appear, but a double Dec 06 showed instead.
- regarding task1, tried to uncomplete the Nov 23 occurence and complete it again, hoping that the Nov 29 would appear, but a double Dec 06 showed instead.

pedro.ruano says:
Posted a report.

pedro.ruano says:
Oh, and its Nov 22, not 23.