How can we undelete tasks?

jef says:
If we undelete a task, can we undelete it AFTER the "Undo?" link on the top disappears?
If not, could RTM creators create a Trash folder (a la gmail)?
If not, could RTM creators create a Trash folder (a la gmail)?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
You can 'undo' any actions up until the point where you loaded the app and began your session.
You can undo multiple times by going to the 'More Actions' dropdown and then 'Undo Last Action'.
Hope this helps!
You can undo multiple times by going to the 'More Actions' dropdown and then 'Undo Last Action'.
Hope this helps!

catalin.hritcu says:
Just lost an important task with lots of notes and can't recover it since my browser crashed in the meanwhile ... I really really wish there was a Trash folder :(

jef says:
can we have a trash folder of ALL deleted tasks?
can we have a trash folder of ALL deleted tasks?

davehacker says:
yes, i often accidentally delete multiple tasks when I really meant to delete only one. Being able to check the deleted items would be a really nice feature. It is scary to think I could accidentally delete an important task this easily. With outlook tasks I could occasionally check my deleted items folder. Now I'm thinking of switching back to outlook tasks over this:(

davehacker says:
I am thinking a workaround might be to just tag the items as deleted. But then I would lose the cool remember the milk functionality that hides deleted tasks (obviously i can modify queries to help with this). Maybe I'll give it a try and see how it goes...maybe tag as deleted, then after a week I will actually delete.