Smartlists tasks still appear in Inbox?

wheine says:
I love RTM and combined with JOTT it is unbeatable. I love the ease of calling JOTT and leaving a message with a smartlist word like "buy." Everything I need to purchase ends up in my "buy" folder. What I haven't figured out is how to have the inbox entry of the same task automatically removed from the inbox. Otherwise, my inbox will grow and be difficult to search through.
Any ideas?
Thank you for this great program. I plan on sending in my pro fee this week!
Will H.
Any ideas?
Thank you for this great program. I plan on sending in my pro fee this week!
Will H.

The Inbox is a RTM-mandated list. I use that and one other list; everything else is a smart list. The one list I have is named | to be as narrow as possible. I have a smartlist that displays inbox tasks without tags, time estimates, and due dates. Once that smart list is empty, I move everything wholesale from Inbox to |. I never look in |, ever.
After that, I just live in smartlists, and they work great.
After that, I just live in smartlists, and they work great.

wheine says:
Thank you ranbarton! I created a "Will" Inbox that is smart and send things, that I don't know where to put, to that. Everything else is a smart list that I send to verbally via Jott.
This is James Bond all the way!!!
This is James Bond all the way!!!