Tasks Synchronization

snorbs says:
I can't get my tasks to sync from iphone to web. Is this a feature, a bug, or am I missing something

snorbs says:
Sorry my mistake -- I mean I can't sync my TAGS

johnwin says:
Are you hitting the sync button before exiting rtm on the iPhone?

snorbs says:
Yes - The tasks are syncing fine but when I look at tags on the web I do not see those I created on the iPhone. However, I have just done a test and the web Tags do go to the iPhone and here is the odd thing the custom tags go from the iphone to the web!
So it seems it is only those that I create in the Tag form that are not syncing ??
So it seems it is only those that I create in the Tag form that are not syncing ??

ab (Remember The Milk) says:
Submit a report:
And somebody will walkthrough the issue with you :)
You can also try resetting your application if you like, make sure to sync first so at least your tasks are saved.
Tap on "More" at the bottom, tap on "Settings", scroll down to the very bottom, you'll see the reset option, tap that and confirm. You'll be taken back to the login screen after a brief moment. Simply login again and see how it goes.
Submit a report:
And somebody will walkthrough the issue with you :)
You can also try resetting your application if you like, make sure to sync first so at least your tasks are saved.
Tap on "More" at the bottom, tap on "Settings", scroll down to the very bottom, you'll see the reset option, tap that and confirm. You'll be taken back to the login screen after a brief moment. Simply login again and see how it goes.