Sometimes I don't receive SMS

jacobkbutler says:
I am new to RTM. SMS functionality is a must for me. I have my account setup with Twitter, but I do not always receive responses to my text message. For example, I have two tasks that are due tomorrow. So, I texted "d rtm !tom" to RTM through twitter. I don't get any response. In twitter it says that my direct message has been sent. When I input this morning "d rtm !gt school" all my tasks with the tag "school" were sent to my phone. When I put "d rtm !gd saturday" I don't get anything. Why does it only work sometimes?

jacobkbutler says:
update: It looks like the messages are now starting to come through. This appears to be a problem with Twitter correct? Twitter had the reply message sent from RTM for a while, but it took several minutes (around 20-25) to deliver it to me via sms. Is this a normal occurrence?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi jacobkbutler,
It sounds like Twitter have been experiencing some SMS delivery issues recently -- there are a few posts on their status blog about this. Could this have been happening around the same time?
It sounds like Twitter have been experiencing some SMS delivery issues recently -- there are a few posts on their status blog about this. Could this have been happening around the same time?

jacobkbutler says:
Yes, it looks like that was around the same time, and I am on the Verizon network. Thanks so much.