iPhone view like the iGoogle page view

davidscottweaver says:
I have some tasks that have no due date and aren't all that important, but I would like to get to someday. In the iPhone app, these tasks are pretty hard to find (I have to look in the category list, then scroll down until I get to them eventually. I would love a "View" like on the iGoogle web app, which has the check option for "show tasks with no due date". There I get what I need to work on in the next few days, then the "someday" stuff is tacked-on at the end. Is there a way to do this right now via smart lists? I'm new to RTM and am considering the $25 but am weighing it against Toodledo. Thanks!

vamshikk says:
Hi David,
You can create any sort of view/smartlist that you want. Both 'show tasks with no due date' and 'someday' smartlists can be easily created. Look here for advanced search operators
I myself have a someday list, 'tasks with no due date list', 'tasks with no tags list', 'tasks postpone more than 3 times list' etc
etc. This way I can keep track of things. You can make your own lists to suite your tastes.
Hope that helps
You can create any sort of view/smartlist that you want. Both 'show tasks with no due date' and 'someday' smartlists can be easily created. Look here for advanced search operators
I myself have a someday list, 'tasks with no due date list', 'tasks with no tags list', 'tasks postpone more than 3 times list' etc
etc. This way I can keep track of things. You can make your own lists to suite your tastes.
Hope that helps

davidscottweaver says:
It sure did! Have been tinkering with smart lists and love the power! Thanks.

ahmet63 says:

jhollington says:
Just to add to the discussion, I've basically created smart lists for all of my GTD contexts that capture items "due soon" and items with no due date. Since RTM doesn't provide any ability to handle start dates directly, I'm forced to use due dates for recurring tasks that wouldn't otherwise need one, but this at least helps to keep them off my radar until they're coming due again.
For instance, I have a context called "@office" which uses the following search criteria:
(status:incomplete and tag:office and (dueWithin:"2 days of today" or due:never))
I then use primary lists for areas of responsibility (work, personal, etc) and sometimes bring these into the mix, since I work from home (and thereby have a home office). So my @home list focuses only on personal tasks, some of which may still need to be done in the home office:
(status:incomplete and (tag:household or tag:office) and list:personal and (dueWithin:"2 days of today" or due:never))
I live in these smart lists on the iPhone about 98% of the time.
For instance, I have a context called "@office" which uses the following search criteria:
(status:incomplete and tag:office and (dueWithin:"2 days of today" or due:never))
I then use primary lists for areas of responsibility (work, personal, etc) and sometimes bring these into the mix, since I work from home (and thereby have a home office). So my @home list focuses only on personal tasks, some of which may still need to be done in the home office:
(status:incomplete and (tag:household or tag:office) and list:personal and (dueWithin:"2 days of today" or due:never))
I live in these smart lists on the iPhone about 98% of the time.