RTM Gadget and HTTPS: improve instructions/FAQ, please!

alexey_r says:
Currently the instructions for installing the gadget read:
"2. Still in Settings in Gmail, go to the Gadgets tab. Copy and paste the following URL into the "Add a gadget by its URL" field. Press Add.
There is no mention of HTTPS here. So I did this, then logged out and in to Gmail. I saw the address turn red, the certificate was no longer accepted. After looking in the FAQ below, I found the correct gadget address for HTTPS users, but this really should be mentioned in the "Adding to Gmail" section.
"2. Still in Settings in Gmail, go to the Gadgets tab. Copy and paste the following URL into the "Add a gadget by its URL" field. Press Add.
There is no mention of HTTPS here. So I did this, then logged out and in to Gmail. I saw the address turn red, the certificate was no longer accepted. After looking in the FAQ below, I found the correct gadget address for HTTPS users, but this really should be mentioned in the "Adding to Gmail" section.