adding tags via shortcut

jjziemba says:
When i add a new task, i can then use the "S" shortcut to allow me to add a tag.
However, I am then stuck in the tags area, and cant get out unless I click on the little icon.
I realize this isnt huge, but it would be nice to keep with the shortcuts and leave my mouse out of it. Using the same method for Due works as expected. ie: enter the date, and hit enter and it will just accept it.
am i missing something?
When i add a new task, i can then use the "S" shortcut to allow me to add a tag.
However, I am then stuck in the tags area, and cant get out unless I click on the little icon.
I realize this isnt huge, but it would be nice to keep with the shortcuts and leave my mouse out of it. Using the same method for Due works as expected. ie: enter the date, and hit enter and it will just accept it.
am i missing something?

jjziemba says:
oh boy. that was it :) thanks.
still a bit odd, as "due date" uses the enter button, but "tasks" uses Tab
regardless, great program. thanks again for your help!!!
still a bit odd, as "due date" uses the enter button, but "tasks" uses Tab
regardless, great program. thanks again for your help!!!