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Viewing Lists via SMS

chocoholic says:
I just joined RTM, and I'm looking forward to using it on my Verizon phone. I'm not sure how to use it though. I've figured out how to send a task to the computer from my phone, but is there a way to see my lists/all tasks on my cell phone? That would be most convenient for me! Thanks.
Posted at 2:22am on October 27, 2008
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey chocoholic,

Welcome to RTM. :)

It's possible to interact with RTM via SMS using our Twitter integration.

You can SMS commands with direct messages like:

d rtm !getlist personal

to rtm on Twitter, and it will send a direct message back.

For a non-SMS solution, you could also try the mobile version on your phone.

Hope this helps!
Posted 16 years ago
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