Text Message Daily Reminder is Truncated

centeruniverse says:
I've got my account set up to text me a reminder for my tasks every morning. This works great, as long as the total length of the message from RTM (including the "These X tasks are due today:" - 28 char) is less than the SMS 160 character limit. If, on the other hand, I have more than a couple tasks due on that day (or if one of them has a really long title), I can just forget about getting anything after 160 characters.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Why isn't the reminder batched into multiple messages?
Is there a setting I'm missing? Why isn't the reminder batched into multiple messages?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi centeruniverse,
Most mobile providers auto-split long messages into multiple SMS's -- would it be possible to let me know which mobile provider you're using?
Most mobile providers auto-split long messages into multiple SMS's -- would it be possible to let me know which mobile provider you're using?

centeruniverse says:
I'm using Sprint, with a Moto Q9c.
I've seen messages >160 characters from other people be split up into multiple messages, which is why I was confused that this wasn't happening for RTM.
I've seen messages >160 characters from other people be split up into multiple messages, which is why I was confused that this wasn't happening for RTM.

djwess says:
I am on Rogers, and while long messages are split from others they are simply truncated on the daily reminder SMS.