Shortcut for a specific list?

traycerb says:
Not sure this is possible in RTM alone (maybe needs Greasemonkey), is there a way to have a shortcut for a specific list?
I create all my tasks in a MASTER list (and use smart lists for the main work) and it gets laborious to keep having to go to the mouse when I need to add a task.
I saw one greasemonkey script on creating shortcuts with RTM, but it was for more basic functions (eg page up). Any ideas on this?
I create all my tasks in a MASTER list (and use smart lists for the main work) and it gets laborious to keep having to go to the mouse when I need to add a task.
I saw one greasemonkey script on creating shortcuts with RTM, but it was for more basic functions (eg page up). Any ideas on this?

traycerb says:
no ideas? well i've found one kludgy way to get access to the default list: in the task view, just reload the page. In firefox this is ctrl-r. not quite the same as a real shortcut, as the page reloads/redraws, but still not bad. this even works when the list is removed from view (eg using RTMenhanced script).
if anyone finds a cleaner way, please post here.
if anyone finds a cleaner way, please post here.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi traycerb,
It's not currently possible to have a shortcut for a specific list, sorry. :(
It's not currently possible to have a shortcut for a specific list, sorry. :(

traycerb says:
oy Emily I was afraid you were going to say that. it meant i had to go create my own, which can be found here:
The above is the script (not written by me) that you'll need to install first. Look for my comments below, get the code from the link, and then follow the instructions in the comments.
Since I use Smart Lists primarily, but still need a regular list to add tasks, it works great. Of course, you can use this for any list at all by using the config file (or multiple lists, depending on how many free shortcut keys RTM has).
Coding-wise, it's pretty suboptimal, as I a) I don't know javascript b) since I don't know if there's a method that goes directly to a tab, it just goes right(or left) until it reaches your target tab. still, it gets through my ~20 tabs quickly (but not instantaneously).
If anyone finds any bugs or optimizations post here or on the userscripts page.
The above is the script (not written by me) that you'll need to install first. Look for my comments below, get the code from the link, and then follow the instructions in the comments.
Since I use Smart Lists primarily, but still need a regular list to add tasks, it works great. Of course, you can use this for any list at all by using the config file (or multiple lists, depending on how many free shortcut keys RTM has).
Coding-wise, it's pretty suboptimal, as I a) I don't know javascript b) since I don't know if there's a method that goes directly to a tab, it just goes right(or left) until it reaches your target tab. still, it gets through my ~20 tabs quickly (but not instantaneously).
If anyone finds any bugs or optimizations post here or on the userscripts page.

traycerb says:
forgot to mention you'll need Firefox and it's not clear if the root script works with FF3 yet.