To much meta-data?

klasson.martin says:
I am new to this remember the milk, and I think this looks very good, BUT:
Adding an entry is fine, lots of options and so. But when viewing the entrys later - they alla are bloated with meta-data:
which list the task belongs to, priority, due-time, repeat, estimated time, place, webaddress, postponed, shared with..
I am not at all interested in that, ESPECIALLY if I havent added any information about the meta-data.
I would just like to see the meta-data that I am interested in, as well as I would like "Notes" directy after the task, and not at the bottom (on my iphone).
it is really great, RTM, but the meta-data just takes up space and makes this a tad boring.
but can that be helped?
I am new to this remember the milk, and I think this looks very good, BUT:
Adding an entry is fine, lots of options and so. But when viewing the entrys later - they alla are bloated with meta-data:
which list the task belongs to, priority, due-time, repeat, estimated time, place, webaddress, postponed, shared with..
I am not at all interested in that, ESPECIALLY if I havent added any information about the meta-data.
I would just like to see the meta-data that I am interested in, as well as I would like "Notes" directy after the task, and not at the bottom (on my iphone).
it is really great, RTM, but the meta-data just takes up space and makes this a tad boring.
but can that be helped?